Trump’s Lead is Truly Historic. Lord Conrad Black joins Sebastian Gorka

One Response

  1. Somebody’s got to overhaul that US Justice system, both civil and criminal , it is a total, arrogant joke .
    Where on earth do they get a figure of $148 million in damages for 2 ELECTION WORKERS, how was such a ridiculous figure arrived at? Tell me how their reputations are worth $74 million dollars each?
    It seems that every level of the court system now reverses the decision of the lower court, so why have a lower court?
    Every State has a different interpretation of the law so why call yourself a united country?
    Judges are appointed because of their political connections and not their abilities, the entire court system in the pocket of the major law firms who themselves are in the pockets of the National Organisations, be they business or charity.
    There is no such thing as justice in the USA at the moment, it’s all a matter of how much cash you’ve got.

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