What About All Those "Foiled Attacks" In Recent Weeks

There have been murders and attemted murders, all by Muslims shrieking the war-cry “Our God Is Greater (Than Yours),” which is the most accurate way to translate “Allahu-Akbar,” in France recently, and in every case the French authorities have called the attackers “deranged.” But if they were deranged, that is mentally unstable, the mold and form of that derangement, the murderous expression and channeling of that derangement, was given by Islam. And now Hollande, in the headless aftermath of the murders at Charlie-Hebdo, lets the French public know that many terrorist attacks had been “foiled” in recent weeks. What were those attacks all about? On what targets? Why shouldn’t  the French public, the public all over the West, react not only to the attacks that have succeeded, but made aware of the full size of the problem, by being told by the authorities the real number of Muslim attacks planned, even if they were foiled by the expensive, ever-growing, counter-terrorism efforts all over the Westerrn world, which have to increase pari passu with the increase in the Muslim population, a population that represents not a transient but a permanent danger to the non-Muslims, their laws, their customs, their ways, their economic well-being, their educational system, their health care, their means of transportation, their physical security, their exercise of their own liberties, in lands far superior  in every way, whatever their faults, to any land where Islam has dominated, for Islam brings wretchedness, political and economic, social and intellectual and moral, everywhere it dominates and is not held in check by an enlightened despot (as Ataturk or Bourguiba or, now, perhaps, Al-Sisi).

The attacks that  succeed, and cause casualties, are not the only attacks that need to be made known. Give us the  numbers, give us the facts, about  all the attacks that have been foiled, so we may see the true dimensions of the problem of Muslim terrorism. As for the problem of Muslim incursions, and the Slow Jihad that is conducted wherever there are Muslims, that will require others, outside of the government, to make known.


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