Why Does Obama, Why Does Ban Ki-Moon, Feel Compelled To Comment At All?

Here is Ban Ki-Moon, praising to the skies the three young people — Muslims – killed by a crazy person with a gun, and a parking problem, in North Carolina, as Perfect Exemplars of Something. From what we know of them, they were perfectly ordinary students, not outstanding in achievement or demonstrated virtue, merely dutiful dentists in training or waiting to be trained. What made Ban Ki-Moon do it? Why did he feel he had to say anything, or make the absurd remarks he did make?

Ahd here is Barack Obama on the same murders.

Washington: US President Barack Obama on Friday condemned the “brutal and outrageous” execution-style murders of three Muslim students in North Carolina at the hands of a neighbor believed to be opposed to religion.

“No one in the United States of America should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship,” Obama said in a statement.

– See more at: http://dailystar.com.lb/News/World/2015/Feb-13/287360-obama-condemns-outrageous-murders-of-muslim-students.ashx#sthash.vE9YVUV3.dpufelt he had to denounce the “outrageous murders” in Chapel Hill?

Washington: US President Barack Obama on Friday condemned the “brutal and outrageous” execution-style murders of three Muslim students in North Carolina at the hands of a neighbor believed to be opposed to religion.

“No one in the United States of America should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship,” Obama said in a statement.

– See more at: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/World/2015/Feb-13/287360-obama-condemns-outrageous-murders-of-muslim-students.ashx#sthash.EyODKuhN.dpuf

Are these murders any more “outrageous” than many thousands of other, similar murders committed by the unhinged in this country? And what made Obama feel he had a basis for saying that “no one should be” targetted because of “who they are” or “how they look” or “how they worship” when there is not the slightest evidence that anything other than parking and noise complaints explain the murderous fury of Mr. Hicks. There have been the assertions of interested Muslims, that the three students were killed because of “how they worship” (and “who they are” and “how they look”) but these asssertions were made without any foundation. It is flabbergasting that Obama thinks he can simply ignore the evidence that does exist, and give credence to the propaganda campaign by Muslims, as he does, that this was an “anti-Muslim hate crime,” by insisting on that pious truism, i.e.,  “no one” should be targetted because of “who they are” or “how they look” or “how they worship.” Every detail that has been made public about Mr. Hicks shows that he was constantly complaining to his neighbors, and not just with the three victims who were his immediate neighbors, and that he was always concerned with two things above all else — the availability of parking, close to his apartment, in the space which as a renter he had a right to (and other renters might be taking up more spaces than they were entitled to), and noise coming from nearby apartments. There has been plenty of testimony by neighbors about his volcanic fury; they had even had a meeting to discuss that matter.  

In saying what he did, Obama ignores that evidence and arrogated to himself, not for the first time, the rigt to comment on an ongoing criminal investigation, but without fully informing himself or, still worse, possibly deciding to deliberately ignore what was known, that is, that no evidence exists that Mr. Hicks was “targetting” the victims because of “how they look” or “who they are” or “how they worship.” By his remark, Obama is lending credence to the Muslim propaganda campaign that this was an “anti-Muslim hate crime.”  What made him think he should say anything at all? And if just couldn’t contain himself, as he couldn’t about Trayvon Martin, or Michael Brown, why didn’t he say something such as this:  “no one should rush to assume that there is anything more to this than what the evidence so far suggests, and we should all wait till the police complete their investigation before making charges, especially if those charges might lead some to engage in further violence, to take their own kind of revenge.” 

If some Muslim or Muslims somewhere in the world now kills non-Muslims, impelled to do so “in revenge for what was done in Chapel Hill,” the attack has been in Muslim eyes quasi-legitimized, and the attackers emboldened, because of the comment of Barack Obama, and he will b e among those who should be blamed.

Washington: US President Barack Obama on Friday condemned the “brutal and outrageous” execution-style murders of three Muslim students in North Carolina at the hands of a neighbor believed to be opposed to religion.

“No one in the United States of America should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship,” Obama said in a statement.

– See more at: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/World/2015/Feb-13/287360-obama-condemns-outrageous-murders-of-muslim-students.ashx#sthash.IyIDBmac.dpuf



Washington: US President Barack Obama on Friday condemned the “brutal and outrageous” execution-style murders of three Muslim students in North Carolina at the hands of a neighbor believed to be opposed to religion.

“No one in the United States of America should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship,” Obama said in a statement.

– See more at: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/World/2015/Feb-13/287360-obama-condemns-outrageous-murders-of-muslim-students.ashx#sthash.IyIDBmac.dpuf

What made him do it? Why did he feel he had to say anything? It’s absurd. .


One Response

  1. Obama speaks and behaves the way he does because of who he is. He is a defender of the faith at both an intellectual and visceral level. But those Jews killed in a deli in France were just “some random folks killed by a vicious zealot.” I wonder if Obama would describe the past lynching of blacks in the US as just some random folks being attacked by vicious zealots. We all know the answer to that.

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