Culturist Immigration Policy: It’s “Who We Are”

by John K. Press (January 2016)

President Obama and the United States Congress are now fighting over whether or not to restrict the Syrian refugees the President wants to bring into the nation. To those who wish to differentiate between religions or cultural groups in immigration policy, Obama said, “That’s shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are.”  more>>>


2 Responses

  1. I believe you could add the experience of the Irish in the early 1800s. They were not discriminated against because they were Irish but rather because they were Catholic and there was a fear that their loyalties were first with the Pope. Those fears eventually turned out to be false as the Irish assimilated into the American culture, but a culturist has to ask if the Muslim culture is capable of assimilating or will they maintain a loyalty first to Alah and Sharia.

  2. Quite an interesting article. Much more there than the simplistic aphorism, ‘that’s not who we are’ thank you, much appreciated. This sure goes a long way into explaining that in reality ‘who we are’ is just not as One dimensional as our President would have one believe.

    I grew up in a town just outside Boston. When I moved away as a young adult, I had a low level disorientation because just where were all the Italians and Armenians in my new town?? Just thought that the whole country was made up of the same ethnic groups as my town. Ha!

    To S S Gilbert’s point, as a person of Irish descent, and near Boston, no less, saints forgive me, but I often ponder whether the Boston WASPs and Brahmins would agree that the Irish Catholic immigration was a neutral thing! My money is on the side of them thinking it was a degrading of the culture. Ha!

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