First pictures show Remembrance Day beheading plot suspect wielding gun menacingly

From The Telegraph

Pointing a gun at the camera and with a menacing stare, this is one of the suspects in the alleged Poppy day beheading plot. Haseeb Hamayoon, 28, ‘is one of three men accused of planning a terror attack around Remembrance Sunday last year in which they were allegedly to attack victims with a Rambo-style hunting knife.

Hamayoon also joked in online conversations about getting some popcorn before watching of the gruesome beheading video featuring Isil executioner Jihadi John.

He, along with cousins Yousaf Syed, 20, and Nadir Syed, 22, were obsessed with the Islamist murder of Lee Rigby and wanted to emulate the attack, Woolwich Crown Court has been told.

Prosecutor Max Hill QC said: “They are images of Mr Hamayoon in somebody’s kitchen holding what appears to be a handgun in four successive photos. What type of handgun it is, whether real or imitation, I’m not able to say. It’s the pose of the image and the attitude that we invite your attention to.” 

Gruesome pictures of beheadings and terrorists were found on Nadir Syed’s phone as well, the jury heard. In July 2013 a photograph of a decapitated head on top of a barrel next to a man holding a gun was downloaded to the phone, jurors heard. In October that year a picture of an Islamic symbol along with the phrase “Woolwich Attack, it’s an eye for an eye” was downloaded to the phone, jurors were told. He also had pictures of Michael Adebolajo, who along with Michael Adebowale ran over and stabbed to death Drummer Rigby as he walked along the street in Woolwich, south London. and … gruesome pictures of three young Islamic State fighters holding a decapitated head and a picture of a PCSO,

The men deny the charges and the trial continues



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