Free Tommy – more and better pictures

More and better pictures from two trusted friends who were in Whitehall this afternoon.  Thank you, much appreciated. 

They got the waist high barrier gates open so as to reach the high gates. Then, and I know this from a video clip, they shook their fists towards No 10 shouting “Shame, shame! Shame on you”. That’s pretty damning towards our PM and her government.

There may be a reporting restriction on the events at Crown Court Leeds yesterday but there is no such prohibition on todays demo. And while the BBC was believed to have been present, at time of writing I can find no report in any national or London newspaper. The London Evening Standard now has a report – Hundreds of far-right protesters descend on Whitehall (there’s none so blind as those who WILL NOT see) )

Photographs by Trusted Friends, London May 2018 


8 Responses

  1. I do wonder what would happen if a large group of people (having previously practised up a bit) were to gather outside No 10 Downing Street and *sing*? The song? – G K Chesterton’s “O God of earth and altar”. “O God of earth and altar/ bow down and hear our cry/ **our earthly rulers falter/ our people drift and die/ the walls of gold entomb us/ the swords of scorn divide/ take not thy thunder from us/ but take away our pride [nota bene: Chesterton is NOT talking about patriotism when he says ‘pride’; he is thinking in *theological* terms; the word ‘pride’ here refers to *the* Deadly Sin, the self-absorption and boastfulness and arrogance that, proverbially, have gone before a fall; its opposite is humility, which is .. the condition of having one’s feet on the ground and one’s head clear]. Then the second verse … which reads as if it were written expressly for today’s perilous pass, in the UK but also in many other ‘western’ countries – “From all that terror teaches/ from lies of tongue and pen/ from all the easy speeches/ that comfort cruel men/ from sale and profanation/ of honour and the sword, from sleep, and from damnation – deliver us, good Lord!” It’s that second verse, to the classic tune ‘King’s Lynn’, that should be echoing up and down England – indeed, the length and breadth of Britain – these days.
    Sing it outside no 10 Downing Street when May is in. She’s a vicar’s daughter, she should know the tune.. Then sing it again, a week later, and again and again and again; and outside Parliament, too.

  2. Out of curiosity I went and had a look at the Evening Standard ‘report’. Then I read the Comments. There were 93. Except that I couldn’t read about 1/3 of them, or more, because they had been REMOVED or were ‘awaiting moderation’. Sometimes a series, one after another! Very annoying.

  3. Why is everyone who is demanding free speech described as being ‘Far Right’? Surely the very essence of democracy is the right of free speech.

  4. Susan, what say we promote our own (unstained, unmaimed) terminology?
    How about, “Absolutely Right” or “Quite Right” or “Really Right” or “Certainly Right” or “Simply Right”?
    I dare not propose for ourselves “Clearly Correct”; too confusing to the Bereft Bullying BS-for-Brains Left.

  5. I, too, have wondered how I’ve been transformed from an ordinary American to a “far-right extremist”.
    The patriots of the UK, I hope, will not allow their nation to continue to commit slow motion suicide.
    Doesn’t this whole hot mess show the value of free speech?

  6. Free Speech is the enemy of the totalitarian. Liberal progressive globalists maintain their authority by creating chaos among the deplorables. Flooding the lowlands with murderous thieves and rapists is their preferred tactic. They kill their critics by the proxy of violent gangs. There can be no peace or justice when government is in the hands of evil men.

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