Isis supporter ‘plotted to bomb Downing Street and behead Theresa May’, court hears

From the Independent and The Times

An Isis supporter plotted to behead Theresa May and bomb Downing Street in a suicide attack in the heart of London, a court has heard.

Naa’imur Zakariyah Rahman, 20, intended to carry out a “full frontal assault” on the gates and the door of No 10 and expected to die in the attack, it is claimed. The alleged plot was uncovered by MI5 officers posing as Islamic State operatives online.

Mr Rahman, of Finchley, north London, is said to have discussed various attacks, including a drone strike or a shooting at the Houses of Parliament, before an undercover officer supplied him with a fake bomb and suicide vest. The suspect had already received bomb-making instructions from his uncle, who had travelled to Syria to join Isis, the court was told. Mr Rahman allegedly thought he was just days away from inflicting “lethal violence” before his arrest last November.

Prosecutor Mark Heywood QC told the Old Bailey that Mr Rahman considered the military and MI5 buildings as targets before settling on Downing Street, and was fully prepared to die.

“Before his arrest prevented it, he was, he believed, just days away from his objective, which was no less than a suicide attack, by blade and explosion, on Downing Street and, if he could, upon the prime minister, Theresa May, herself,”

The jury was shown covert video footage of a meeting in Brixton on November 6. In it Mr Rahman said he would get past the gate, make a “ten-second sprint” for the door of No 10, with his main objective to “take her head off”.

The court was told that Mr Rahman went on to praise the suicide bomber who attacked the Manchester Arena, saying he “did well”. He allegedly mused over wearing “a vest”, driving past parliament and “pushing the button” to “clear the entire block”, and wrote: “Everyone inside, including the prime minister, would be dead.

Mr Rahman is also accused of helping his friend Mohammad Aqib Imran, 22, to join Isis in Syria by recording a sponsorship video.

Mr Imran, who was arrested on the same day, had allegedly set about assembling money and acquiring a fake passport for his trip from another MI5 role-player via Telegram.

Mr Rahman, from Finchley in north London, has denied two counts of preparing terrorist acts.

Mr Imran, of Sparkbrook in Birmingham, has pleaded not guilty to preparing terrorist acts and possessing a terrorist document on his Kindle.

The trial continues.


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