The Iconoclast
Compliance with Untruth
Shostakovich, in his memoirs (whose authenticity some have disputed), describes a minister in the Soviet Union praising a great Soviet cultural event, such as (says Shostakovich) the closing of a […]
"Palestinian" Pride Over Attempted Murder
Simon Jenkins Fait Son Petit Taqiyya: It’s Not Islam, It’s "Cultural"
Simon Jenkins turns out to be — I’m not surprised — a Defender of the Faith. It’s not Islam. It’s not “religious.” It’s a “cultural” response, and it really has […]
Where Are The Fatwas?
Where are the fatwas, from all those clerics able to issue them in France, in Europe, in the Middle East, all over the world — and there are tens of […]
Ayaan Hirsi Al On CNN Quietly Undermines Taqiyya-And-Tu-Quoque
Watch, as Maajid Nawaz, manages, in his very first words on CNN last night, to call for “solidarity” by which he means “solidarity” of non-Muslims with Muslims, in this time […]
The Dangers of Denial
In 2004, I wrote a book that was published only in French, La Perfidie de l’Histoire, It was a scholarly book, but I had a basic political objective: to warn about the […]
France on high alert as Muslims fear backlash
From the French edition of
Two critical after man fires on police near Paris
Berbers Quite Reasonably Fear An Arab Genocide In Libya
So many Berbers have been killed by Arabs, forcibly islamized by Arabs, forcibly arabized after they had been islamized, all over the Maghreb. Why shouldn’t it happen — it has […]
Please Remember
Whatever happens, wherever it happens, to whomever it happens, please remember it’s got nothing to do with Islam.
Navy Seal Chad Williams On The Killers And On Muhammad
Here. His final comments show that he understands Islam, and the threat its adherents present (precisely to the degree that they take Islam to heart), far better than many political […]
And What About Katherine Russell?
How The Killing Was Conducted
They did not enter, and simply spray the room with gunfire, as the BBC appears even now to think. They separated the men from the women. And then they called […]
A Musical Interlude: Kabarett Program (Trude Berliner, Siegfried Arno)
Watch, and listen, here. How quickly Germany was transformed. With what alacrity, scarcely packing their bags, did Siegfried Arno and Trude Berliner and so many others have to leave. Others […]
Stoppt Die Islamisierung Europas
Wanted: A Complete List Of Muslim Atrocities In The Last 20 Years
Why not post, on-line and possibly in newspaers, a complete listing of Muslim attacks, and Muslim plans or attemts to attack that may have been thwarted, in the Western world, […]