Isil fanatic emailed the PM’s office threatening to ‘wage jihad’ before getting job on Crossrail

From the Telegraph

The bit to take notice of is this: After Ahmed was arrested a probation officer told him that Islam was a “peaceful and respectful” religion, but he replied: “No. It is a religion of war.”? I believe him. Why won’t the authorities believe jihadists when they tell us this? 

An Islamic State fanatic emailed the Prime Minister’s office threatening to “wage jihad” before being given a job guarding the Crossrail project, a court heard today.

Shamim Ahmed, 24, who once threatened to blow up a bookshop for selling the Charlie Hebdo magazine, wagged his finger at Judge John Bevan QC and warned him: “Give me 20 years, I will come out the enemy.”

Ahmed had sent death threats to staff at The French Bookshop in South Kensington on January 17, 2015 with the subheading: “Protect your neck while you are still alive.” The former security guard accused the bookshop of selling the satirical magazine “against Muslims” just days after the massacre and said they would face ‘major retaliation’ if they continued to stock it.

He then made two threatening phone calls to the shop on 22 January, telling the owner: “I’m going to come and stab you, I’m going to come right away and blow up the shop: I’m not afraid of the police, I’m a Muslim.”

Ahmed, who has previously stated that he only recognises Sharia law, admitted two charges of sending malicious communications in November 2015 and was given a 20-week suspended sentence. 

But just two months later in January last year, jobless Ahmed was caught on the Syrian border trying to cross into IS-controlled territory. He travelled to Turkey but was returned to the UK after officials detained him at the Syrian border, believing he was trying to cross into the war-torn country. He said he wanted to go to Syria to meet girls from and live under sharia law.

Ahmed was arrested on January 16 and admitted engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts. Questions will be raised about why Ahmed wasn’t charged earlier after he ‘became increasingly radicalised in his Islamic faith’ as he grew up in east London.

At his sentencing hearing on Wednesday he began wagging his finger and mumbling “kuffar'”as he was sentenced before telling a dock officer: “Move the f–k out of my face. I’m going to punch you in the face.”

Ahmed was sent back to the cells after shouting: “Wage jihad wherever we are… Target the civilians, tourist sites, tourist sites, inshallah [God willing].”

Judge John Bevan QC said: “The defendant originally refused to have anything to do with the court process. This afternoon I would have hoped he would have been on his best behaviour, he wasn’t, and I have asked for him to be removed and will continue in his absence.”

Jailing him,(to six years imprisonment)  Judge Bevan said: “He doesn’t approve of democracy, he doesn’t approve of women, and he says democracy is evil and no good. So his radicalisation is long-term, if not particularly sophisticated. He lied his head off to the probation service and police. “His views show no sign of calming down, he’s a long-term follower of jihad.”

Ahmed, previously of Shadwell, east London, was deemed an “offender of particular concern” and must serve one year on licence when he is released. He must also abide by a notification order for 15 years.



One Response

  1. The Muslim, truthfully, said of his belief system that, “It is a religion of war”.
    Winston Churchill saw that, too. In “The Story of the Malakand Field Force” he describes Islam as “the religion of blood and war”.
    Jacques Ellul, in his foreword on Jihad, written for Bat Yeor’s tome “The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam”, describes Islam as “fundamentally warlike”.
    How, how, how to get the majority of politicians and pundits, today, to face up to the same grim reality?

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