The Waning of the Kennedy Cult

by Armando Simón

The 2017 movie, Chappaquiddick was truly unique in that it threw a bucket of ice-cold water on the Kennedy cult. It portrayed that episode in Ted Kennedy’s life that the Kennedy clan—and countless older journalists—wish they could exorcize from everyone’s consciousness. The movie broke with the practice of painting the Kennedys as wise, benevolent, unblemished, idealistic saints.

In my personal observation, the intensity of adulation has been in two centers, New York City and Massachusetts. And, of course, anywhere that one finds a gaggle of older journalists.

Every once in a while, parts of the media in this country indulges in a flurry of maudlin Kennedy worship, whether it is over a living or dead member of the Kennedy clan. A few years back there was a much-to-do over the 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination. In 2017, the Democrats rolled out drooling Kennedy to give a rebuttal to President Trump’s State of the Union speech. You could practically see the wheels grinding in their heads to push him forward as the Democratic opponent to Trump in 2020, since at the time the Democratic geriatrics believed that the moribund Kennedy “mystique” would carry the day.

I, for one, do not adhere to the Kennedy Cult.

John F. Kennedy was the most overrated president of the United States of America. For decades, the journalists spoke in hushed, awed, tones about JFK and “Camelot.” But what, exactly, was this “Camelot,” anyway? And what did it comprise? No one to my knowledge ever explained; the word “Camelot” was whispered in reverence, as if it was a talisman, a mantra, and always linked with the Kennedy name, but it was never exactly pinned down. The only other Camelot that I learned of was King Arthur’s Camelot and it, at least, has always had a distinct identity. The “Camelot” of the Kennedys is just a word, an empty word. But, it is a word that, as in the case of Pavlov’s famous dogs, induces old liberals to salivate.

Frankly, I find almost nothing praiseworthy about John Kennedy and much to disparage. Yes, he was handsome and young and had a cool accent. But that was it. “Not only was Kennedy charming, bookish and educated, but he, or at least his family’s ‘machine’, was also ruthless without appearing to be.” On the other hand, he botched the Bay of Pigs operation. He did not carry out any significant civil rights legislation (his successor, Johnson, who had all the charisma of a turnip but was, nevertheless, very powerful in Congress, did). JFK brought the world close to a nuclear war to achieve something that could have arguably been accomplished in other ways (and which Nixon did, much later). He engaged in adultery, which liberal journalists found amusing and sophisticated, just like they do with Bill Clinton’s rapes (yet were indignant at Trump’s alleged adultery). As for the space program, it had been going on for years prior to his administration, thanks to the efforts of President Eisenhower. Lastly, and much more importantly, by the consensus of most historians, he won the 1960 presidential election through electoral fraud. Just like in 2020.

And, of course, he was shot. That, naturally, elicited abundant sympathy.

As with Stacey Abrams and Rev. Al Sharpton, the Kennedy cult was the creation of journalists, the principal motivation for this being based on the fact that Kennedy beat Nixon in the 1960 election. I do not think that anyone will deny that most journalists harbored a deep, pathological hatred for Nixon (one which was amply reciprocated by him, of course, and which we saw exponentially echoed in the case of Donald Trump) due to the fact that he exposed a Communist espionage ring in Washington. In fact, to this day, most journalists still living from that era take great pride in continuing to express their hatred of Nixon. Additionally, Hollywood keeps making movies denigrating Nixon, without actually being able to explain specifically why he was supposedly so evil (mention “Nixon,” or “Trump” to many journalists and see them foam at the mouth).

The Kennedy cult extended beyond JFK. It was transferred to his brother, Robert, who by being assassinated in 1968 rekindled the previous grief and intensified the cult’s following. Then, with Robert’s death, the cult transferred its focus to JFK’s widow and his other brother.

Yet, Ted Kennedy was an alcoholic scumbag, pure and simple. His most famous debacle was a criminal act—strictly speaking, criminal acts. On his way back from a party, he lost control of his car and ended up in a body of water. He cowardly abandoned the girl he was with, who later died at the scene, and went to bed. Next day, he summoned his minions to do damage control on his political career. Lots of money—I mean, lots and lots of money—was handed out both to the girl’s family and to Massachusetts authorities, and no serious legal repercussions ever took place. Journalists’ compliance in this blatantly obvious cover-up—one that lasted for decades—is one of the most revolting, contemptible, episodes in American journalism—and that’s saying something—one that can be contrasted with the obsessive, self-righteous crusades and character assassinations that American journalists periodically engage in otherwise. Of course, a lot of that has got to do with the simple fact that he was a Democrat. The media will usually ignore acts of racism or anti-Semitism if they are carried out by a Democrat. Just like feminists ignored Ted’s Chappaquiddick and Clinton’s rapes.

And, of course, the Kennedy brothers’ father was a bootlegger, i.e., a criminal.

The second object of adulation is not criminal at all, but is equally nauseating: Jacqueline Kennedy, or Jackie O as she was subsequently called. Initial views of her during her white House years were that she was an elegant, classy lady, and, indeed, she gave every appearance of being so. Women are experts at projecting a false image of themselves.

That image disappeared. She abandoned her husband at the critical moment when he most needed her, leaving him to die. Then, shortly thereafter, the widow married one of the most repulsive men—repulsive in character and appearance, and a foreigner—simply for the money. After the frog died (he barely reached her shoulders in height and he did look like a frog), she moved to New York City, where its awed citizens would point her out with respect and hushed tones as someone worthy of admiration for . . . who knows why. And, although a multimillionairess, her personal assistant would insist that Broadway shows give her free comp tickets.

The Kennedy Cult has diminished considerably. Even some younger journalists are having trouble conjuring up enthusiasm and awe for the Kennedys. Some even privately snicker when one of the geezers (I mean, respected, elder colleagues) refer to the Kennedys as “our American royalty.” But, if you do not hear any dissent over the cult, do not be surprised as liberal journalists are part of the media hivemind, incapable of independent thought.

As for the rest of the country, it laughs at the Kennedy cult whenever it manifests itself. The journalists may not want to notice it (as with so many other things that they do not want to notice because it goes against their worldview). But it laughs.


Armando Simón is a retired forensic psychologist and the author of A Cuban from Kansas, Very Peculiar Stories, The Cult of Suicide and Other Sci Fi Stories.


12 Responses

    1. and

      1. Dear Trump Supporter,

        The wall of links you shared contains nothing more than a lot of unsubstantiated assertions, rumors and tittle-tattle that a levelheaded and educated person would immediately recognize as highly farfetched and likely to be false.

        In fact, if you could be bothered to do a quick web search or two instead of being so willing to believe in this myth, you can very easily find debunkings of almost all of these claims from reputable, high-quality sources, like the ones I shared.

        “Who was it that said that the greatest fool can ask more than the wisest man can answer?” – Theodore Dalrymple

        1. Dear NPC,
          Simply because you label something a myth, a rumor, an unsubstantiated assertion, and tittle-tattle [?] doesn’t make it so, no matter how fervently you believe in it. I’ve noticed frequently that NPCs do not debate the facts of the matter if it means confronting and analyzing a viewpoint which they find anathema. Instead, what they do is overwhelm it with abuse. And, of course, repeat what they have been programmed to repeat.

          By sheer coincidence, I came back last night from seeing a documentary “2000 Mules.” It presented research. It presented videos. It presented massive facts. I doubt that you will watch it since you would suffer cognitive dissonance.

          Unfortunately, the documentary did not present other facts which were also relevant. Project Veritas, for example, had several whistleblowers that came forth to report that they had driven from New Jersey with filled in ballots for Pennsylvania. Nor did it present the Arizona investigation wherein the water seal in a number of mail in ballots were missing or on the wrong place. Nor the fact that thousands of “mail-in ballots” were unfolded, whereas legitimate mail-in ballots by necessity, have to be folded in order to be mailed.

          But, it doesn’t matter. The truth will out. Recently, the Hunter Biden laptop story, which the leftist media said, “Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along” is now out in the open. And the Russian collusion hoax is now also in the open and in trial.

          “You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known and exist before it is generally received and practiced on.” Benjamin Franklin

    1. I read the article that you cited very carefully. It is obvious that the “fact checker” did not see the movie, in so far as the arguments contra the 2000 Mules movie are bogus. Obviously, neither have you, otherwise you would have been embarrassed to cite this article. The article is an example of critiquing a movie or book that one has not actually seen, but whose writer relies on other persons’ comments.

      First, the main purpose of the movie was to verify that electoral fraud took place. It did NOT set out to prove that the people who carried out the fraud were paid. So the argument that only one person was found to admitting to being paid is a straw man.

      Second, the article conveniently ignores the fact that massive evidence was accumulated through videos of persons stuffing ballot boxes. They were not driving by accidentally near ballot boxes. They went directly to the ballot boxes. And they did so at 1am, 2 am, 3 am when there were no witnesses; the criminals also took pictures of themselves depositing the ballots so that they could prove they did so and get paid. Very important details which the article conveniently leaves out.

      Third, the reason that they were wearing gloves was to avoid leaving fingerprints, not because it was cold, as the article claims. The gloves were the type used in clinics and offer no protection from the cold. Furthermore, the moment they finished mailing a dozen or two dozen votes, they took off the gloves and threw them away in the nearby trash can. Oh, those poor people’s fingers must have gotten frostbite.

      I would suggest that you actually see the movie and weigh the evidence, but I know that this won’t happen. It is characteristic of true believers that they avoid contact with any viewpoint or facts that contradict the dogma.

      But I do sincerely thank you for citing the article. I will pass it on. It’s a gem.

      One last thing. If you actually believe that a patently senile individual who spent the campaign hiding in his basement, and who could not get a rally of 20 people together, who had a long record of racist statements (unlike Trump contrary to what the media claims), who had trouble putting four sentences together, who boasted of blackmailing the president of Ukraine, and who had twice before failed a run for the presidency had MORE votes than Trump, or Obama, please look me up and I will be happy to sell you beachfront property in Kansas real cheap; the dolphins come up and you can play with them. Really.

  1. Hey, Doesn’t Drink Orange Koolaid.

    I read the article that you cited very carefully. It is obvious that the “fact checker” did not see the movie, in so far as the arguments contra the 2000 Mules movie are bogus. Obviously, neither have you, otherwise you would have been embarrassed to cite this article. The article is an example of critiquing a movie or book that one has not actually seen, but whose writer relies on other persons’ comments.

    First, the main purpose of the movie was to verify that electoral fraud took place. It did NOT set out to prove that the people who carried out the fraud were paid. So the argument that only one person was found to admitting to being paid is a straw man.

    Second, the article conveniently ignores the fact that massive evidence was accumulated through videos of persons stuffing ballot boxes. They were not driving by accidentally near ballot boxes. They went directly to the ballot boxes. And they did so at 1am, 2 am, 3 am when there were no witnesses; the criminals also took pictures of themselves depositing the ballots so that they could prove they did so and get paid. Very important details which the article conveniently leaves out.

    Third, the reason that they were wearing gloves was to avoid leaving fingerprints, not because it was cold, as the article claims. The gloves were the type used in clinics and offer no protection from the cold. Furthermore, the moment they finished mailing a dozen or two dozen votes, they took off the gloves and threw them away in the nearby trash can. Oh, those poor people’s fingers must have gotten frostbite.

    I would suggest that you actually see the movie and weigh the evidence, but I know that this won’t happen. It is characteristic of true believers that they avoid contact with any viewpoint or facts that contradict the dogma.

    But I do sincerely thank you for citing the article. I will pass it on. It’s a gem.

    One last thing. If you actually believe that a patently senile individual who spent the campaign hiding in his basement, and who could not get a rally of 20 people together, who had a long record of racist statements (unlike Trump contrary to what the media claims), who had trouble putting four sentences together, who boasted of blackmailing the president of Ukraine, and who had twice before failed a run for the presidency had MORE votes than Trump, or Obama, please look me up and I will be happy to sell you beachfront property in Kansas real cheap; the dolphins come up and you can play with them. Really.

    1. Dear Trump Supporter,

      Your reply is nothing more a loud-mouthed bluff which banks on the fact that I haven’t seen the movie. On that one point, you’re absolutely right. I’ve neither seen it nor do I have any intention of seeing it because I’m pretty sure that it’s a waste of my time, just like it’s a waste of time listening to the arguments of eugenicists, flat-earthers, and the relatives of murderers who are convinced of their loved one’s innocence.

      I likewise really can’t be bothered to waste my time rehashing the AP article with you. Not when you’re going to make arguments based on obviously untrue statements, like that the piece “conveniently ignores” the surveillance footage shown in the movie, when it does discuss that, or falsely make out that it only mentions cold weather as a reason reason for glove-wearing, when there’s another reason clearly mentioned.

      Have a nice day

  2. Dear Trump Supporter,

    Your reply is nothing more a loud-mouthed bluff which counts on the fact that I haven’t seen the movie. On that one point, you’re absolutely right. I’ve neither seen it nor do I have any intention of seeing it because I’m pretty sure that it’s a waste of my time. Just like it’s a waste of time listening to the arguments of eugenicists, flat-earthers, and the relatives of murderers who are convinced of their loved one’s innocence.

    I likewise really can’t be bothered to waste my time rehashing the AP article with you. Not when you’re going to make arguments based on obviously untrue statements, like that the piece “conveniently ignores” the surveillance footage shown in the movie, when it does discuss that, or falsely make out that it only mentions cold weather as a reason for glove-wearing, when there’s another reason clearly mentioned.

    Have a nice day

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