Lev Tsitrin

Blog Posts

Ayatollahs’ crisis of religion

(September 2024)

Netanyahu in New York: a decoy for Nasrallah in Beirut?

(September 2024)

Nasrallah leaves Israel with no choice

(September 2024)

Paradoxes of ivory-tower mind: NYU Law professor decries misinformation — than insists on staying misinformed

(September 2024)

The New York Times: “The Organizers Are Jewish. The Cause Is Palestinian. This College Won’t Be Hosting. Mr. Gessen is a Moron.”

(September 2024)

In 1944, a deal with Eichmann. In 2024, same deal with Hamas?

(September 2024)

For Israel to exist, Israelis should love the country more than they hate its government

(September 2024)

New York’s “public radio” WNYC: a nest of cheats and liars

(August 2024)

Entrenched dogmas versus empirical experience: some reflections on a talk at the National Association of Scholars

(August 2024)

In a court room, Kamala’s pleadings for Palestinians would come across as ignorant. Why did they get applause at the convention?

(August 2024)

Channeling Shakespeare, Biden leverages Iran threat to push Israel into surrendering to Hamas

(August 2024)

Heed M. Gessen of the New York Times, and vote for Trump!

(August 2024)

Randi Weingarten of AFT is not merely an anti-Semite. She is a hypocrite, too

(August 2024)

Ismail Haniyeh causes a problem for Karim Khan

(July 2024)

Biden admits that there is no due process in judicial decision-making process. And that he is not trying to fix that.

(July 2024)

Is a stupid woman (and an absentee mother to boot) a better candidate than a forgetful old man?

(July 2024)

NY Times’ Thomas Friedman so loves Russian revolution that he wishes it on Israel

(July 2024)

Democrats’ ultimate dilemma: who will be to blame?

(July 2024)

Is the destruction of Rafah tunnels held hostage to hostage negotiations?

(July 2024)

Nobody’s perfect”? That’s not an excuse for federal judiciary, and the mainstream media!

(July 2024)

Pleas for Democracy from the Mouths of Hypocrisy

(June 2024)

“Victory? Be it Middle East or Ukraine, Biden would rather prevent it”

(June 2024)

Jamaal Bowman, an empty-headed non-American

(June 2024)

New York Times op-eds’ often lack sense. But when it comes to judiciary, idiocy is the rule.

(June 2024)

Is suicide murder? Is self-destruction genocide?

(June 2024)

Biden is ready for surrender to Hamas. Netanyahu isn’t.

(June 2024)

South Africa’s case against Israel belongs not in a courthouse, but in a nuthouse

(May 2024)

Karim Khan of the ICC: ignoramus, opportunist, anti-Semite, fool?

(May 2024)

Ebrahim Raisi’s “Divine Comedy”

(May 2024)

New York Times worries about judicial bias — observable in display of a flag, not in judicial fraud

(May 2024)

Are 65% of the 79% of the 20% of Columbia faculty morons?

(May 2024)

From 1944 to 2024, from FDR to Biden, from D-Day to Rafah

(May 2024)

Halting supply of munitions, Biden urges Israel to emulate US failures in Afghanistan and Iraq

(May 2024)

Journalists are taught to lie right in the school, if Columbia Journalism School is any guide

(May 2024)

Intersectionality: a new Hitlerism

(May 2024)

Is free speech consequence-free?

(May 2024)

The laughable sublimity of New York Times’ Jamelle Bouie

(April 2024)

On display in Trump’s immunity case: judicial hypocrisy, and that of the press

(April 2024)

Enough of Nicholas Kristof’s anti-Semitic slobbery, New York Times. Fire the jerk!

(April 2024)

If “unconscious biases” are bad, are the conscious ones fine?

(April 2024)

The fear and rage of intelligentsia

(April 2024)

Before October 7, Gaza was not “an open-air prison.” After it, it should be.

(April 2024)

A word or two on the Irish “historical experience”

(March 2024)

To end its campus antisemitism, Columbia should start acting like a university

(March 2024)

A closer look at Gaza’s “30,000 killed”

(March 2024)

There should be no censorship of books — says the government’s censor of books

(March 2024)


(March 2024)

The hypocrisy of the empathy

(March 2024)

On “Islam” v. “Islamism”

(March 2024)

“The Particular Anguish of Being Japanese in the 1942 US”

(February 2024)

The octopus’ head is filled with garbage. Why don’t we expose it?

(February 2024)

“The day after Hamas:” an architectural perspective

(February 2024)

Can a language barrier between deplorables and progressives be bridged?

(February 2024)

Who is a journalist, Mr. Remnick? Are you? Is Jodie Ginsberg? Are so many others?

(January 2024)

Biden labels Palestinian poison the elixir of life. Should Israel drink it?

(January 2024)

Daniel Levy, told to jump by George Soros, jumps on the pages of the New York Times really high

(January 2024)

To understand the incomprehensible Iowa Trump voter, Mr. Remnick should look in the mirror

(January 2024)

Peter Beinart and the Gaza hypocrisy

(January 2024)

The real lesson of October 7 denialism: Israel is in the right

(January 2024)

If Hamas is ineradicable, then Palestinians are Hamas, New York Times. Stop being sorry for them.

(December 2023)

All three branches of US government are coequal. But one more coequal than the other two

(December 2023)

Tactics differ when goals differ, Secretary Austin

(December 2023)

ProPublica’s method of investigating judges: focus on the irrelevant, ignore what matters

(December 2023)

Free speech at universities? To what end?

(December 2023)

Can Hamas’ levers be trimmed?

(December 2023)

A 250-pound bomb, or a 2,000-pound bomb? Should this be a question?

(December 2023)

Why Trump? Let me explain it to you, New York Times

(November 2023)

Fact and fiction, in Israel and in the US

(November 2023)

“Far too many” — by how many?

(November 2023)

The many sides of war: academic silliness, military danger, political entrapment

(November 2023)

Are all human lives equally valuable?

(November 2023)

“People insist on fairness.” In the former USSR — and in today’s US

(October 2023)

Israel, Hezbollah, and the US — and smoke and mirrors at the New York Times

(October 2023)

Religion’s two faces, idolatry and faith

(October 2023)

Islamic Imperialism

(October 2023)

“Intelligence failure” or a case of human misunderstanding?

(October 2023)

Military Force Can Only Treat Islamism’s Symptoms. Logicians Can Eradicate the Disease Itself

(October 2023)

Trusting the judiciary, and its discontents

(October 2023)

Journalists’ illogic is the logic of self-dealing

(September 2023)

Professor Ivan Pavlov on Professor Dov Waxman

(September 2023)

At a hi-tech platform, ancient wisdom still holds true

(September 2023)

Diversity’s place is in bordello, not in academe

(September 2023)

Thomas Friedman: Saudi-Israeli normalization should happen only when pigs fly.

(September 2023)

Senator Risch is holding up US funding for UNRWA? Kudos to him!

(August 2023)

Flag-burning is legal, Koran-burning is not? This doesn’t make any sense.

(August 2023)

A grave dilemma for post-Prigozhin Wagnerites

(August 2023)

Is the sky about to fall? That’s because we are too PC to ask Islamists, “how do you know?”

(August 2023)

Is feeling good about oneself a “right”?

(August 2023)

Putin in Ukraine, fighting apostasy

(August 2023)

After work, be ethical. At work, being corrupt is fine.

(August 2023)

And the Exhibit A of an old Russian proverb is…

(July 2023)

Overhaul the police? Or overhaul the community?

(July 2023)

The New York Times, press sponsor of terrorism

(July 2023)

Because of Israel, Palestinians are happy. Especially when they aren’t.

(July 2023)

One mainstream journalist is an exception to the cynical rule. That’s great — but we need more

(June 2023)

Who’s afraid of Evgeny Prigizhin? Or rather, who isn’t — but should be?

(June 2023)

“Defeat their ideology? No one in the U.S. national security apparatus has a clue about where even to begin.”

(June 2023)

It’s the ideology, stupid

(June 2023)

Jail time is “payment of debt to society”? Is this in earnest?

(June 2023)

My lesson from Thomas Friedman’s critique of Israel: in a democracy, politicians can’t shun dirt

(June 2023)

Law professors “have earned a little contempt,” too

(June 2023)

“Who Can Rein In the Supreme Court?” asks the New York Times. It can, but doesn’t want to.

(May 2023)

Call AI something else. Please.

(May 2023)

Slavery reparations without repatriation? That’s greed, not justice

(May 2023)

What makes speech “free”? PEN America may know, but WNYC won’t ask

(May 2023)

Opportunity v Opportunism

(May 2023)

Can “a democratic press” be built by the elites?

(April 2023)

Vladimir Putin, a Russian Hamlet

(April 2023)

“Truth matters?” That’s a wrong lesson to learn from Fox’s settlement of Dominion lawsuit!

(April 2023)

From Eichmann to bin Laden, the more things change, the more they stay the same

(April 2023)

Will AI make us think?

(April 2023)

ProPublica asks a wrong question about Supreme Court Justice Thomas

(April 2023)

Trump, Politics, and Law

(April 2023)

To he, or not to he? This is the question

(March 2023)

Good question, New York Times!

(March 2023)

To save the country, betray its people

(March 2023)

Exposing the backdoors: military, cyber, judicial

(March 2023)

Pivot to truth before it is too late

(March 2023)

Judicial independence: independence from what exactly?

(March 2023)

The “greatest blunder” of the New York Times’ op-ed section: publishing drivel

(March 2023)

Thomas Friedman on Israel. Ignorant? Malicious? Hypocritical? All of the above?

(February 2023)

New York Times’ faulty logic of L.G.B.T.Q. victimhood

(February 2023)

Ukraine war, told in Aesop’s fables

(February 2023)

Seymour Hersh “doth protest too much.” And too little, too

(February 2023)

When it comes to judiciary, The New York Times puts Israel first, America second

(February 2023)

What causes Islamist terrorism? If you are really smart, the answer is “capitalism”

(February 2023)

The opposite logic of guilt, in America and in Israel

(February 2023)

BBC asks whether US will sanction Israel over settlements

(January 2023)

“Day of the Endangered Lawyer”? How about “Day of the Law-Abiding Judge”? Or “Day of the Honest Press”?

(January 2023)

Is Kenneth Roth of HRW antisemitic by inclination — or by profession?

(January 2023)

PI (and SI) at the New York Times — or why is it that when A is B, and B is C, A is not C?

(January 2023)

Some unasked questions in Hamline University Mohammed’s portrait brouhaha

(January 2023)

Is the Ukraine war a “civil war”?

(January 2023)

What exactly is “artificial intelligence?” – some futuristic ruminations

(January 2023)

Plumbing the depth of NPR’s bias in “On the Media”‘s selective censure of book censorship

(December 2022)

An unsolicited advice to Dean Chemerinsky of Berkeley Law School

(December 2022)

Sure, the body is mindless. By why should the mind be mindless, too?

(December 2022)

What ayatollahs are doing, is a crime. Why they are doing it, is idiocy

(December 2022)

Is “transphobia” bigotry, or mere disgust at fakes?

(December 2022)

Worldview, ideology, fact, religion. Let’s draw some demarcation lines around them.

(November 2022)

Mr. Charles M. Blow of the New York Times, smarty-pants

(November 2022)

Dear DOJ investigators: why was Shireen Abu Akleh wearing flak jacket and a helmet?

(November 2022)

Getting clarity on “winning” vs. “not losing”

(November 2022)

Call me what you want, but this is disgusting.

(November 2022)

New York Times’ Thomas Friedman, shuffling facts to feed his bias

(November 2022)

Ukrainian diplomacy would be better off without hypocrisy

(November 2022)

It should be funny — but it isn’t

(October 2022)

Russia’s self-destructive harmony

(October 2022)

Russia’s nuclear rhetoric and the Ukraine war

(October 2022)

Chelsea (née Bradley) Manning accuses New York Times/Washington Post of indifference to facts. She (née he) is right

(October 2022)

And the Nobel for cowardliness goes to… the Nobel committee!

(October 2022)

Schizophrenia at the Law Desk of the New York Times

(October 2022)

Geography of democracy makes a difference in press coverage of arbitrary judging

(September 2022)

Wikipedia (and other sources) explaining Putin and his “partial mobilization”

(September 2022)

Anti-Trump New York Times’ columnists are on Trump’s side. They just don’t know it.

(September 2022)

A new generation grew since 9/11, yet we still can’t defeat terrorism. Why?

(September 2022)

In bashing Trump, New York Times sides with him against Chief Justice Roberts

(September 2022)

What does a Chukchi author, an Australian journalism student, and an American journalism professor have in common?

(September 2022)

Putin’s wishes v. Putin’s abilities

(August 2022)

Where does free stuff come from, professors?

(August 2022)

Salman Rushdie, a prophet of God

(August 2022)

Is the ice under judicial fraud getting thinner?

(August 2022)

China’s Xi learns wrong lessons from Putin’s tough love for Ukraine

(August 2022)

Attacking Ukrainian grain port and blowing up a POW barrack: mere brutality, or thought-out messaging?

(July 2022)

NY Times opposes censorship. So why does it practice it?

(July 2022)

P.G Wodehouse (via Reg Green), explaining the Ukraine war

(July 2022)

Hurricanes and Wars

(July 2022)

Be a patriot and resign, Ms. Paul.

(July 2022)

Who should wield power? Mr. Xi, or the “treasonous or traitorous” of Hong Kong?

(July 2022)

Linguistic confusion: “revolution”? “counter-revolution”?

(June 2022)

If lies endanger democracy, why not be truthful, people in power?

(June 2022)

Iran’s nuke crisis is Trump’s fault, not Obama’s, NY Times? Really?

(June 2022)

President Macron: tone-deaf, or just not that bright?

(June 2022)

Blasphemy? There is no such thing

(June 2022)

What to Americans is a private folly, to Russians is US policy, it seems

(June 2022)

Is “The Progress Network” “The Brainless Network”?

(May 2022)

Harvard, Shmarvard

(May 2022)

How about shaking off feudalism, Russia?

(May 2022)

The “Peace in our time” is alive and well at the New York Times

(May 2022)

Ignorance is Bliss at the New York Times

(May 2022)

Lavrov’s Diplomacy of Illogic

(May 2022)

The cries of the afflicted reach (Swedish) high heaven

(April 2022)

Kevin McCarthy causes a tempest in the New York Times’ teapot

(April 2022)

Are we confusing “historical” with “holy”?

(April 2022)

Is speech addressed to body, or the mind?

(April 2022)

Is “the enemy of the people” of 1930s “the fascist” of 2020s?

(April 2022)

What is Caesar’s, and what is God’s?

(April 2022)

Vladimir and Volodimir, speaking a different language: Russian

(March 2022)

Russian army, in WW2 and Ukraine

(March 2022)

Judges are knowingly deceitful, per Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

(March 2022)

American defeatism, Ukrainian defiance

(March 2022)

Putin battles Andersen, and wins – at least so far

(March 2022)

Ukraine invasion: a sign of Putin’s mental problem, or a mere miscalculation?

(February 2022)

Why laws aren’t laws, internationally and at home

(February 2022)

Russia falls back. Towards what?

(February 2022)

NYU put professorial racism on display?

(February 2022)

Racism’s triple-whammy

(February 2022)

Welcome to the Machine

(January 2022)

Me, Sarah Palin, and the battle for sane courts and truthful press

(January 2022)

US Government: ‘Corruption for me, but not for thee’

(January 2022)

‘Big Lie?’ How am I to know?

(January 2022)

Is the undefeated enemy the same as the defeated one?

(December 2021)

Attack Iran? But how?

(December 2021)

There is strength in numbers. But is there truth in numbers, as Communists and Islamists think?

(December 2021)

‘Judicial independence’ or judicial tyranny?

(December 2021)

‘Everybody knows.’ Except for the New York Times. And the diplomats.

(December 2021)

On Slavery

(November 2021)

Arkansas Times (backed by ACLU and the New York Times) is against what it is for

(November 2021)

(November 2021)

The decline of democracy: whose fault is it?

(November 2021)

Globalism versus reality, competence versus naivety

(November 2021)

What about it, New York Times?

(November 2021)

Freedom, tyranny, and talent

(November 2021)

Is the war on ‘misinformation’ a battle for truth, or for the turf?

(October 2021)

The statues of Heinrich Heine, and of Thomas Jefferson

(October 2021)

Why do writers write?

(October 2021)

The wisdom of the Koran, and of an Aesop’s fable

(October 2021)

Why do ignoramuses teach in San Diego?

(September 2021)

Voting for Democrats takes a deadly turn

(September 2021)

Mainstream media’s good intentions only pave the road to hell

(September 2021)

The lesson of 9/11 we do not heed

(September 2021)

Per the New York Times, Islamist Theocracy is Shriveling

(August 2021)

The New Yorker hits the prostrated Cuomo, teaching us something about mainstream journalism.

(August 2021)

The Economist’s ‘Soft-Pedaling Islam’ is an Instance of Racism

(August 2021)

Ben & Jerry’s new motto: "hate, strife, and boycotts"

(July 2021)

The Jeremiad by New York Times’ Blow over-blows the worth of mainstream media

(July 2021)

The necessary and the unnecessary wars

(July 2021)

Why is it so hard for American academics to resist conforming?

(June 2021)

Chernobyl, Covid, and the Curse of Communism

(June 2021)

Hypocrisy on full display in Virginia’s Justice High School

(June 2021)

The surfeit of politeness? Rutgers’ apology to anti-Semites is bizarre, and sick

(May 2021)

Technology outstrips writers’ imagination. Except when it doesn’t

(May 2021)

To Have Justice, Stop Deifying Judges

(May 2021)

Free speech needs more method, less madness

(May 2021)

‘He hit me back first’ logic of the New York Times

(May 2021)

The New York Times is a monument to hypocrisy

(May 2021)

Protecting property from vandalism is racist, per NY Times

(April 2021)

Rather than packing the Supreme Court, make judging impartial

(April 2021)

Would-be Court Reformers, Please Face the Elephant in the Court Room

(February 2021)

To Defeat Islamism, Focus on the Mind

(February 2021)

New English Review Press is a priceless cultural institution.
                              — Bruce Bawer

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