Jerry Gordon


“Black Thursday” in Chad—The Reality of the Country’s Authoritarian future

(February 2023)

GI Frontline Rabbi during WWII: David Max Eichhorn

(December 2022)

The Sudan United Movement Plan

(November 2022)

The Controversy over the Ken Burns Film, FDR and the Holocaust

(October 2022)

The Apostate and those Who Dare to Leave Islam

(September 2022)

How I Became a Hostage, an Arms Dealer, and an Israeli Spy: Speaking with Ken Timmerman

(September 2022)

An Anthropologist at Large

(August 2022)

French Voters Re-Elect President Macron reject Populists

(May 2022)

The International Community has Failed to Resolve Sudan’s Crisis

(May 2022)

Dangerous Stalemate in Putin’s War with Ukraine

(April 2022)

A Second Term for Emmanuel Macron while Russia Bombs and Batters Ukraine?

(April 2022)

Ultranationalist appeasers: Le Pen, Mélenchon & Zemmour side with Russia: a discussion with Nidra Poller

(March 2022)

“We know not Judah” – a discussion with Dexter Van Zile of CAMERA

(March 2022)

Global Technological and Geo-Political Threats – a discussion with Dr. Stephen Bryen

(February 2022)

Transatlantic Jihad, Halimi Report, Zemmour update and more – discussion with Nidra Poller

(February 2022)

Valérie Pécresse overtakes Zemmour on the Right: a discussion with Nidra Poller

(January 2022)

Jewish History and Contemporary American Antisemitism – the views of Matthew Hausman

(January 2022)

Everyone is Talking about Zemmour: A Discussion with Nidra Poller

(December 2021)

China’s Rising Global Threat: A Discussion with Dr. Stephen Bryen

(December 2021)

After Afghanistan Debacle, Global Threats are Rising

(October 2021)

11 days that Shook the World—The Fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban

(September 2021)

Why Israel Leads in Drone Development

(August 2021)

Today in France

(June 2021)

The Legacy of Idriss Deby

(May 2021)

Turkey’s War Against the Kurds

(April 2021)

Will the New Administration Defend Taiwan?

(March 2021)

Sudan Crisis: West Darfur Massacres and the Risk of War

(February 2021)

The Truth is No Defense

(December 2020)

French Teacher Beheaded: Islamic Terror Returns to France

(November 2020)

The Movement for Black Lives vs. American Blacks for Solidarity with Israel

(September 2020)

Hezbollah, Iran, and the Beirut Blast

(September 2020)

Biblical Archaeology and the Holy Land

(August 2020)

Why the Kurds are America’s Ally despite U.S. Withdrawal

(August 2020)

Iran’s Nuclear Program Under Intense Pressure

(August 2020)

The Anti-American Intifada Behind U.S. Protests

(July 2020)

China’s $1.6 Trillion Defaulted Debt

(June 2020)

The Coronavirus Conundrum

(May 2020)

Covid-19, Iran, and the Middle East

(April 2020)

A Strong Warning from an Auschwitz Survivor

(March 2020)

Why We Didn’t Bomb Auschwitz: BBC/PBS Whitewash

(March 2020)

Israelophobia and the Spike in Global Anti-Semitism

(February 2020)

Iran Involved in 9/11: The Links Courtcase

(January 2019)

Failing to Confront Iran

(December 2019)

Rouhani, Erdogan and Putin—Masters of Geopolitics

(November 2019)

911, Iran, ISIS, Al Qaeda: Defeating Contemporary Amalekites

(October 2019)

The Jews Should Keep Quiet

(October 2019)

Germany, Iran, and Hezbollah

(September 2019)

Advanced Artificial Intelligence Systems and Ilhan Omar—with Yaacov Apelbaum

(September 2019)

Can Netanyahu Win Israel’s Do-Over Election and Form a Ruling Coalition?

(August 2019)

Bahrain Conference Prioritizes Iran Threat over Palestian Grievances

(August 2019)

Did Defector Intel Change Trump’s Iran Strategy?

(June 2019)

No Friends but the Mountains

(June 2019)

The Monstrous Evil that is Sudan’s Bashir:

(May 2019)

Why was Netanyahu Elected to an Unprecedented Fifth Term in Israel?

(May 2019)

ISIS Caliphate Falls, but Could There be a Second War in Syria?

(April 2019)

Why the U.S. Shouldn’t Abandon Syrian Kurdistan

(March 2019)

The Shadow Army Behind Bashir’s Genocide in Sudan

(February 2019)

Bashir Visits Assad in Damascus

(January 2019)

Sudan’s Bashir Opens “Gateway for Russia” and Jihad in Africa

(December 2018)

Kristallnacht and FDR’s failure to Act

(December 2018)

Federated Palestine Sovereign Entity as a Pathway to Peace

(November 2018)

Winston Churchill and Jews as ‘The Best Demons’

(November 2018)

Beyond the Matrix: Political Activist Phyllis Chesler

(October 2018)

The Secrets of Iran’s Links to 911: an Interview with Kenneth Timmerman

(October 2018)

Dan Diker on ‘The Israeli-Palestinian Path to Peace through Economic Prosperity’

(September 2018)

Israel, Iran, Syria and Europe: Interview with Shoshana Bryen of the Jewish Policy Center

(August 2018)

Isis Begins: A Discussion with Author Ken Timmerman

(August 2018)

Sander Gerber: Evidence of PA Financial Support for Terror

(July 2018)

Hydra Warfare by Iran and Hamas in Gaza

(June 2018)

Defeating Denormalization of Israel

(April 2018)

Russia, Iran, Turkey in Syria:

(April 2018)

Why Syrian Kurdistan Matters

(March 2018)

Protests in Iran and Erdogan’s War Against the Kurds in Syria

(February 2018)

Protests Erupt in Sudan creating Bashir Government Crisis

(February 2018)

Follow the Money:

(January 2018)

Why Iran’s Shia Land Bridge Threatens Israel

(January 2018)

Does Sudan deserve to have US Sanctions Lifted?

(October 2017)

The Geo-Politics of the Temple Mount Crisis: an interview with Seth Frantzman

(September 2017)

Sudan Regime Rampages Against Darfur While Involved in Overthrow of Chad and Libyan Governments

(August 2017)

Holy Terror: an Interview with Ibn Warraq

(July 2017)

Mid East Issues Facing the Trump Administration: a discussion with Shoshana Bryen

(December 2016)

SITREP: Could Sudan be the Cornerstone of the Caliphate in Africa?

(December 2016)

Only Regime Change Can Stop Sudan’s Genocide

(November 2016)

Will the Islamic State be Destroyed or Self-Destruct?

(November 2016)

Connecting the Dots: The Feast of Tishri, Sukkoth and Thanksgiving

(October 2016)

Protecting our Borders from Terrorists?

(October 2016)

Do You get Tsurus from Soros aiding Refugees and Migrants?

(October 2016)

False Prophets Disarmed at a Vanderbilt University Presentation

(October 2016)

15 Years after 9-11: Has the Islamic Terror Threat Worsened?

(September 2016)

What is Behind Erdogan’s Purge?

(September 2016)

Why are Turkey and Israel Reconciling?

(September 2016)

Who is Erdogan Fighting in Syria?

(September 2016)

Deception: The Making of the You Tube Video Hillary and Obama Blamed for Benghazi

(August 2016)

See Something; Say Nothing: An Interview with DHS Whistleblower, Phillip Haney

(August 2016)

Erdogan’s Faux Coup

(July 2016)

Why We Can’t Connect the Dots to Prevent Jihad Attacks

(July 2016)

Latest North Korean Missiles Tests Raise Questions about Missile Defense

(July 2016)

Is “Never Again” Happening Again?

(May 2016)

Have Sanctions Stopped Joint Iran – North Korea Nuclear ICBM Development?

(May 2016)

“Freedom is Precious and Fragile”: a review of Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War by Dr. Sebastian Gorka

(April 2016)

Does ISIS Possess Saddam Hussein’s WMDs?

(April 2016)

Lars Hedegaard: Free Speech Warrior Fighting the Islamization of Europe

(April 2016)

Stand Up and Fight Islamization of the West: an interview with Paul L. Weston of Liberty GB

(April 2016)

Erdogan’s War Against Democracy in Turkey: Interview with Mehmet Yuksel of HDP

(March 2016)

Can Our Ballistic Missile Defense System Shield Us from Rogue Regime ICBMs?

(March 2016)

Counterterrorism Impasse: a discussion with Col. Richard E. Kemp (ret.) CBE and Dr. Sebastian Gorka

(February 2016)

Russian Intervention in Middle East Conflicts

(February 2016)

Could the North Korean Nuclear Test be a Game Changer for Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program?

(January 2016)

Watchdog on Washington Corruption: an interview with Christopher Farrell of Judicial Watch

(January 2016)

The ISIS Chemical Biological Threat to the West: a discussion with Dr. Jill Bellamy

(January 2016)

Is it Safe to Fly?

(December 2015)

“No War Against ISIS Without the Kurds”: an interview with US Army Brig. Gen. (ret.) Ernie Audino

(December 2015)

Putin’s Great Game in the Middle East and Eastern Europe: an interview with Dr. Michael Rubin

(November 2015)

Iraqi Christians Face Extinction: an interview with Joseph T. Kassab

(October 2015)

Can States Prevent Release of Iran Sanctions through Federal Litigation?

(October 2015)

The Battle for Hoehns Road: Property Rights versus Muslim Supremacy

(September 2015)

Denouement Looms for Congressional Action on the Iran Nuclear Pact

(September 2015)

Enigmatic Lebanon

(September 2015)

An Israeli Defender of Threatened Minorities in the Muslim Middle East

(September 2015)

Balagan Revisited: 10 Years After the Gaza Withdrawal

(August 2015)

How Best to Overturn the Iran Nuclear Pact

(August 2015)

Will Erdogan’s Turkey Frustrate Kurdish Recognition in the War Against ISIS?

(August 2015)

The Iran Nuclear Deal: A Pandora’s Box

(August 2015)

Rising European Anti-Israelism: an interview with Manfred Gerstenfeld

(July 2015)

Empowering Kurdistan

(July 2015)

The War of a Million Cuts

(June 2015)

Trojan Horse Federal Refugee Program Brings Jihadi Threat to America: An Interview with Ann Corcoran

(June 2015)

How One Southern California Jewish Federation Undermines Student Zionism at a State University

(June 2015)

ISIS Threat to America: an Interview with Erick Stakelbeck

(May 2015)

Stemming the Surge of Deadly Illegal Migration Across the Mediterranean

(May 2015)

Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide and the Polish Jew Who Criminalized It

(May 2015)

Is the P5+1 Nuclear Deal with Iran a Case of Buyers Regret? An Interview with Dr. Michael Rubin

(April 2015)

Obama’s War on Israel

(April 2015)

The Caliphate Triumphant

(April 2015)

The Islamic State Caliphate is Pure Islam

(April 2015)

Israel Facing a Perfect Storm

(March 2015)

Did President Obama’s Violent Extremism Conference Fail?

(March 2015)

Egypt Under Al-Sisi: An Interview with Raymond Stock

(February 2015)

Exposing A Radical Jihad Training Network in America: an Interview with Ryan Mauro of The Clarion Project

(February 2015)

The Golan Ablaze: Are Hezbollah and Iran Behind It?

(February 2015)

A Proposed Agenda for Congress in 2015 to Defend America and its Ally Israel

(January 2015)

China’s Islamist Separatist Threat: An Interview with Dr. Harold Rhode

(January 2015)

What Was "Mentally Unstable" About the Perpetrator of the Sydney Lindt Café Terror Attack? – An Interview with Dr. Michael Welner

(January 2015)

Could Israel Lose the Energy Prize in the Eastern Mediterranean?

(January 2015)

Benghazi Select Committee Hearing: “Why Were We There?”

(December 2014)

Is Erdogan’s Turkey an Emerging State Sponsor of Terrorism?

(December 2014)

Death in Benghazi – Part 4: Is The House Intelligence Committee Benghazi Report a “Whitewash”?

(December 2014)

On the Re-Issue of The New Antisemitism: an Interview with Dr. Phyllis Chesler

(November 2014)

Lone Wolf Jihadis on Both Sides of Our Northern Border

(November 2014)

Fighting Social Media Jihad: An Interview with Joseph Shahda

(November 2014)

Oklahoma Beheading Raises Questions About Prison Conversions and American Muslim Leadership: an Interview with Dr. Michael Welner

(October 2014)

Death in Benghazi, Part 3: the Web of Deception; an Interview with Ken Timmerman

(October 2014)

The War against ISIS, Syrian Opposition and Middle East Christians: A Discussion with M. Zuhdi Jasser, Walid Phares, John Hajjar

(October 2014)

Has the Third Gaza War Between Israel and Hamas Ended?

(September 2014)

Did Assad and Maliki Facilitate the Rise of the Islamic State? An Interview with M. Zuhdi Jasser and Sherkoh Abbas

(September 2014)

A Survivor of 9/11 Speaks: An Interview with Deborah Weiss, Esq.

(September 2014)

Insecure Borders and Broken Immigration Laws: A Discussion with Chris Farrell and Mark Krikorian

(September 2014)

Israel’s War with Hamas 2014: Part III – The Social Media Battle

(August 2014)

Israel’s War with Hamas 2014: Part II – The Gaza Tunnel Threat

(August 2014)

Israel’s War with Hamas 2014: Part 1 – The Prelude

(August 2014)

The Growing Shadow of ISIS

(July 2014)

Death in Benghazi, Part II: Will the House Select Committee Find the Truth?

(July 2014)

Death in Benghazi, Part I: The Attack

(July 2014)

Exposing Hamas’ Kidnapping Strategy: an Interview with Dan Diker

(July 2014)

Yasmeen’s Law: A Victory in Florida for Human Rights

(June 2014)

The Future of the Babylonian Jewish Archives: Interview with Dr. Harold Rhode

(June 2014)

Global Persecution of Christians: An International Round Table Discussion

(June 2014)

Minneapolis Fire Investigation Reveals Money Launderer for Al Shabaab

(March 2014)

The Peril of Engaging Rogue States: An Interview with Dr. Michael Rubin

(March 2014)

Engagement is Folly

(March 2014)

An American Child Kidnapped in Accordance with Shariah

(March 2014)

Geert Wilders Once Again Endures a Firestorm of Criticism

(April 2014)

Stalemate in the Middle East?

(April 2014)

CAIR and Lawfare: an Interview with Brooke Goldstein

(May 2014)

Has Iran Developed Nuclear Weapons in North Korea?

(March 2014)

“Truth is on the March”: an Interview with Philippe Karsenty on the Al Dura Hoax Trials

(September 2013)

9/11/13 – Are We Better Prepared and Safer than 12 Years Ago?

(September 2013)

Al Shabaab is a Threat to the World at Large

(October 2013)

American Foreign Policy Missteps in the Middle East

(October 2013)

Willful Blindness to the Global Muslim Brotherhood Threat

(October 2013)

Indomitable Defender of Israel: An Interview with Professor Michael Curtis

(November 2013)

The Failed State of Palestine

(November 2013)

Will There be a Peace Agreement between Israel and the Palestinians?

(November 2013)

The Savior of Iraqi Jewish Heritage: an interview with Dr. Harold Rhode

(December 2013)

Appeasement in Geneva?

(December 2013)

An American Feminist Fighting Sharia: an Interview with Dr. Phyllis Chesler

(January 2014)

Flight from an Afghan Seraglio

(January 2014)

Could the Crisis in Turkey Impact US Policy in the Middle East?

(January 2014)

The Rise of Erdogan’s Islamist Tyranny

(February 2014)

Beware! Global Jew-Hatred Rising

(September 2013)

Is there a Future for French Jews? An Interview with Michel Gurfinkiel

(February 2014)

Anti-Israelism is Anti-Semitism: an Interview with Manfred Gerstenfeld

(September 2013)

The Al-Dura Blood Libel Affair: an interview with Nidra Poller

(July 2013)

Dhimmitude Unveiled

(April 2014)


(April 2014)

Rebellion Against the Arab Spring Inflames the Middle East

(April 2014)

Shia versus Sunni Supremacism Roils Middle East

(June 2013)

Refugee Jihad Terror in Boston

(May 2013)

Why American Law for American Courts is Needed

(April 2013)

March Madness in the Middle East

(April 2013)

The American Alliance Fighting Foreign Laws Which Threaten Our Constitutional Freedoms

(March 2013)

Israel on the Brink of Change: an Interview with Israeli Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

(February 2013)

The Dangers of Syria’s Bio-Warfare Complex Should Assad Fall: An Interview with Dr. Jill Bellamy van Aalst

(January 2013)

The Middle East in Turmoil

(December 2012)

“The Freest Journalist in Canada”: An Interview with Ezra Levant

(December 2012)

"Not the Time to Conquer Gaza": Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense

(December 2012)

No Blinders about Egypt under Muslim Brotherhood

(November 2012)

A Tipping Point in North Africa and the Middle East

(October 2012)

Is The War Against Islamic Terrorism Over? Essays in Commemoration of 9/11

(September 2012)

What Lies Behind Iran’s Nuclear Threat: An interview with Ex-CIA Agent Reza Kahlili

(September 2012)

Israel in the Crosshairs

(September 2012)

Israel in the Crosshairs

(August 2012)

What Lies Behind the Anti-Israel Position of Some Mainline Churches in America?

(August 2012)

A Self-Inflicted Injury: Immigration, Infiltration and Canada’s Growing Islamist Threat

(August 2012)

Muslim Brotherhood Triumphant in the Middle East and Washington

(July 2012)

Why Does China Owe Americans $1 Trillion?

(June 2012)

Will There Be Room for Kurds and Other Minorities in a Post-Assad Syria?

(June 2012)

Does Muslim Blasphemy Trump Free Speech in America?

(June 2012)

Geert Wilders: Defender of the West Against the Grand Jihad

(May 2012)

The West Faces Rising Islamic Fundamentalism in the Middle East

(May 2012)

American Jews Who Support Shariah Imperil Us All

(April 2012)

The Third Jihad and Syria: A wide-ranging Interview with Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser

(March 2012)

A Future for Britain Free from Islamization: An Interview with British Freedom Party Chairman, Paul Weston

(March 2012)

Israel and the US Face the Realities of the Arab Spring and Nuclear Iran

(March 2012)

Is The Clock Ticking on Nuclear Iran? An Interview with Israeli Journalist Ronen Bergman

(February 2012)

Imperialist Islam Unveiled: A wide ranging interview with Dr. Mark Durie

(February 2012)

Islam, Democracy and the Arab Spring: An Interview with Raphael Israeli

(January 2012)

Dialogue with Radical Muslims is Dangerous for American Jews

(January 2012)

A Muslim Apostate Defends the West: An Interview with Ibn Warraq

(December 2011)

Will Israel Win the Energy Prize in the Levant Basin?

(December 2011)

Has the OSCE Succumbed to Shariah? An Interview with Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

(November 2011)

Combating Islamic Apostasy & Blasphemy Codes: An Interview with Nina Shea

(November 2011)

Warning! The OIC Wants to Silence Free Speech Around the Globe

(November 2011)

Straws in the Wind: Assassination Plot in DC and Prisoner Exchange in Middle East

(October 2011)

Israel‘s “Black Gold” – an Interview with Dr. Scott Nguyen

(October 2011)

Worldwide Caliphate Rising?

(October 2011)

An Egyptian Jew in Exile: An Interview with Bat Ye’or

(October 2011)

Contretemps at the UN over Palestinian Statehood

(October 2011)

The Aftermath of Islamic Terror on 9/11

(September 2011)

Fear, Inc.: The Obama Re-election Strategy for Muslim Votes

(September 2011)

After 9/11, Denial is Not a Strategy: An Interview with David Beamer

(September 2011)

How the CIA Helped The Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrate the West

(August 2011)

The Iranian Missile Threat

(August 2011)

Does The Olive Tree Initiative Lack Credibility?

(July 2011)

Secret Codes Hidden War: An Interview with Dry Bones Cartoonist Yaakov Kirschen

(July 2011)

Victory Over Islamic Influence at the National Defense University Foundation

(June 2011)

Rewriting History: How the Omar Khadr GITMO Clemency Appeal Failed

(June 2011)

What Lies Behind Obama’s Face-Off With Netanyahu in Washington?

(June 2011)

Warning! Terrorists Ahead!

(June 2011)

Omar Khadr’s Hail Mary (Allah) Pass at GITMO Tribunal

(April 2011)

A Danish Free Speech Hero: An Interview with Lars Hedegaard

(May 2011)

Eternal Jew-Hatred: An Interview About Antisemitism with Prof. Robert Wistrich

(April 2011)

Z Street: A Pro-Jewish Pride Organization in the Spirit of the Bergson Boys

(April 2011)

A Pledge Against Self Destruction of American Jews

(March 2011)

“Obama likes radical Islamic rule.” A wide ranging interview with Kenneth Timmerman

(March 2011)

Assyrian Agonistes

(March 2011)

Is the Muslim Brotherhood on the March in Egypt?

(February 2011)

Fighting Muslim Brotherhood Lawfare and Rabbinic Fatwas: An Interview with Dr. Charles Jacobs

(February 2011)

Jihad Slavery in the Sudan: An Interview with Dr. Charles Jacobs

(February 2011)

A Zionist at UC Irvine: An Interview with Activist Dee Sterling

(January 2011)

What Rep. Peter King Could Do About Radicalization of American Muslims

(January 2011)

Fighting Shariah Through the Law: An Interview with David Yerushalmi, Esq.

(December 2010)

Issues for 112th Congress: Sharia, Energy Independence, National Security and Immigration Reform

(December 2010)

An Interview with Austrian Free Speech Advocate Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

(November 2010)

Is California State Candidate Rabbi Nachum Shifren an "Extremist?"

(November 2010)

Interview with Lars Vilks: Vigorous Defender of Free Expression in Art

(November 2010)

The Murfreesboro Mosque Conflict Chronicles

(October 2010)

Fragile Middle East: An Interview with Israeli Consul General Ofer Bavly

(October 2010)

Coming to a Mosque Near You: "Pimping for Terrorists"

(August 2010)

"Sacrificing Survivors" – A New Film about 9/11 and the Ground Zero Mosque

(September 2010)

Mega-Mosque Conflicts in America

(August 2010)

What is a Mosque? An Interview with Sam Solomon

(August 2010)

Scribblers into Activists: From the Enlightenment to the New English Review

(July 2010)

A Mosque in Murfreesboro Begets Intimidation

(June 2010)

Islamic Suicide Terrorism & The Stockholm Syndrome Writ Large

(June 2010)

Who are the Strong Horses in the Middle East?

(June 2010)

Iran’s Nuclear Threat

(May 2010)

Implacable Muslim Hatred of Jews

(May 2010)

Life Is a CAIR-baret, Old Chum: An Interview with Activist "Max Vonheune"

(April 2010)

The Czechoslovakization of Israel by Obama

(April 2010)

Protest of Muslim Capitol Day in Tallahassee, Florida: an Interview with Tom Trento

(March 2010)

An Interview with Dr. Richard L. Rubenstein

(March 2010)

Dhimmitude Dominates

(February 2010)

The "Systemic Failures" in Intelligence that Could Have Prevented the Flight 253 Attempted Bombing

(January 2010)

Is Regime Change Coming to Iran? – an interview with Amil Imani

(January 2010)

Former Muslims in US Support Swiss Ban on Minarets- ‘The Bayonets of Islam’ (in Polish)

(December 2009)

Israel, Iran, Washington, Fort Hood and the 9/11 Plotters Trial

(December 2009)

A Wide-Ranging Interview with Erick Stakelbeck of CBN

(November 2009)

An Interview With Geert Wilders

(November 2009)

Israel, Iran and Middle East Realities

(October 2009)

"Free Speech, Use It!" an Interview with Danish Cartoonist, Kurt Westergaard

(October 2009)

Muslim Assault Against Apostates: The Rifqa Bary Case

(September 2009)

Jewish Democrats Split with Obama Over Israel: An Interview with Jim Lafferty of the TVC

(September 2009)

Greeley, Colorado Christian Zionist Group Protest Somali-Imposed Sharia in their Community

(August 2009)

Chelm on the Charles River

(August 2009)

An Interview with American Israeli Venture Capitalist Jonathan Medved

(July 2009)

Major New York Times Article on Homegrown Somali Terrorists: Will It Prod Congressional Action?

(July 2009)

David Gaubatz, CAIR and the ISNA

(July 2009)

Zakat and Terrorism

(July 2009)

Foot Soldiers of Islam

(June 2009)

The Auschwitz and Iran Bombing Controversies: Are There Parallels?

(May 2009)

American versus Israeli Geo-Political Objectives in the Struggle for a Free Sudan

(April 2009)

Hank Greenberg in Space and AIG in Pieces

(March 2009)

An Interview with a Local Hero: Rabbi Jon Hausman

(March 2009)

The American Jewish Committee Missteps on Durban II

(March 2009)

Claudia Rossett: The UN Is Absolutely Corrupt

(February 2009)

Does Israel Have the Resolve to Vanquish Hamas?

(January 2009)

Mumbai Jihad Madness

(December 2008)

Death Knell For The Detroit Dinosaurs

(November 2008)

A Debate Over "Obsession"

(November 2008)

An Interview With Israeli M.K. Dr. Arieh Eldad

(November 2008)

Is CAIR’s 2010 Strategy Plan a Fiasco?

(November 2008)

The Jabotinsky Legacy

(October 2008)

The AIG Rescue: Does It Portend Re-Regulation Of Financial Markets?

(September 2008)

9/11 – Islamic Terror Hits America

(September 2008)

A Wide Ranging Interview with US Rep. Mark S. Kirk of Illinois

(September 2008)

Georgia: "Moscow Rules" and the West Wimps Out

(August 2008)

Behind the Veil at the Islamic Saudi Academy

(August 2008)

An Act To Protect First Responders Fighting Terrorism

(July 2008)

The Islamic Saudi Academy: A ‘Hot Potato’

(July 2008)

Is Google An Enabler Of Terrorists?

(June 2008)

The Oil Bubble

(June 2008)

The Translator Scandal Ripens

(May 2008)

Jamaat ul-Fuqra

(April 2008)

Ever Again: Some Questions & Their Answers

(March 2008)

Somalis, Shelbyville and Severe Culture Shock

(February 2008)

Why Is The UN Determining Who Becomes Humanitarian Refugees In The US?

(January 2008)

Syria’s Bio-Warfare Threat: an interview with Dr. Jill Dekker

(December 2007)

Fighting Internet Jihad: An Interview with Joseph Shahda

(November 2007)

President Bollinger and Columbia’s Faculty Cabal

(October 2007)

"Man Plans, God Laughs"

(September 2007)

The Truth About Syria: The Islamo Mafia State Triumphant

(August 2007)

Bush and Islamofascists Detente in DC?

(July 2007)

Muslim Extremism in America: A Suggested Agenda for Congressional Hearings

(June 2007)

Blog Posts

“Air power may not always deter enemies. History might teach us that. This is where my concern lies. I think Israel will have to deliver heavier blows to these enemies.” – Seth Frantzman

(October 2024)

Is Israel on the Verge of a Dramatic Victory?

(September 2024)

Israel Takes Revenge on Hezbollah for Rocket Attack at Majdal Schams and Hamas Leader for Perpetrating October 7th Pogrom and War in Gaza

(July 2024)

Is Israel on the Brink of War with Hezbollah and Nuclear Iran

(June 2024)

How did Columbia become the Epicenter of Global Pro-Palestinian Campus Protests?

(May 2024)

Why God’s Chosen People Israel are in a Civilizational War with Islamic Extremists Hamas and Iran?

(April 2024)

The Sudan Government that created Janjaweed/Rapid Support Forces now committing Genocide in Darfur sides with the Darfur Resistance

(April 2024)

“Israel Alone” Fighting Hamas in Gaza backed by Iran?

(March 2024)

Will Biden Grand Bargain for Peace in Gaza and Middle East Rob Israel of Victory?

(February 2024)

US lacks coherent national security strategy to oppose Iran’s proxy Global Jihad war with Israel

(February 2024)

Iran Behind Middle East War Escalation and Global Jihad Against Israel

(January 2024)

Brig. General (US Army retired) John Adams: Israel’s War against HAMAS Confronts Global Jihad

(January 2024)

US Army Brig. Gen. (ret.) John Adams: Will Biden Administration continue support or obstruct Israel victory over Hamas in Gaza?

(December 2023)

Darfur RSF/J Atrocities backed by UAE, Qatar and Other Arab States

(December 2023)

Brig. General (US Army retired) John Adams: Could IDF dismissal of Intelligence Warning of Hamas October 7th Attack result in Agranat 2.0 Commission Investigation?

(December 2023)

Brig. General (US Army retired) John Adams: Could Hostage Release upend IDF Strategy to Destroy Hamas?

(November 2023)

Brig. General (US Army retired) John Adams: Israel is fighting civilizational War with Hamas and Iran

(November 2023)

The “Incredible” Marc Garlasco on the Gaza Bomb Libel and Israel Air War

(October 2023)

This is Israel’s 9/11 – Hamas’ barbaric War with Israel

(October 2023)


(October 2023)

Will there be Justice for 9/11 families?

(September 2023)

“Nights of Broken Glass” in Pensacola, Florida

(August 2023)

Ken Burn’s New Film: Whitewashing FDR on the Holocaust

(September 2022)

9/11 and what we know about Iran’s Connections

(September 2022)

Interview with Ken Timmerman: And the Rest is History

(August 2022)

Building a Deterrent Strategy to stop China from Invading Taiwan

(May 2022)

Russia’s Sudan Nuclear Naval Base Agreement, Wagner Group Brutal Seizure of Gold Mines in CAR

(March 2022)

France at Forefront Battling Political Islam – discussion with Nidra Poller

(October 2021)

The Legacy of Flight 93 Heroes led by Todd Beamer – first US counterterrorism attack on 9/11

(September 2021)

Did ‘Gain-of- Function’ Research at Wuhan Lab accidentally leak the SARS-Covid-2 Virus? An Interview with Stephen Bryen

(June 2021)

French Mayor Hangs Israel Flag After Backing Ban on Pro-Palestinian Rallies

(May 2021)

Hundreds gather at Seville Square to support Israel

(May 2021)

Human Rights Watch report appropriates “apartheid” in political Antisemitic attack on Israel:

(May 2021)

French schoolteacher beheaded by Chechen Refugee- interview with Nidra Poller

(October 2020)

Thoughts on the 19th Commemoration of 9/11

(September 2020)

Sudan United Movement Revolutionary Command Council Declaration of Principles

(August 2020)

Crisis in Sudan-Israel normalization

(August 2020)

120 Killed by RSF/Janjaweed in Sudan Darfar Region

(July 2020)

Behind US Peace Plan: Why This is a Game Changer for Israel and the Palestinians

(June 2020)

Locked down by French Authoritarianism under Covid-19 – Ken Timmerman Speaks about the Experience; Israel, ISIS, Syria Iran, Georgia, China, and his new book, The Election Heist.

(May 2020)

A Survivor of COVID – 19 Chronicles the Pandemic in Paris – an Israel News Talk Radio – Beyond the Matrix interview with Nidra Poller.

(April 2020)

New English Review Interview cited in Republic of Georgia TV Investigative report on PM Iran Connections.

(January 2020)

Likud Leadership Primary in Israel Netanyahu versus Sa’ar – interview with Jason Pearlman

(December 2019)

Sudan Prime Minister Hamdok announces abolishing the Bashir Regime National Congress Party, but the reality is he has no power.

(December 2019)

Kristallnacht and Veterans’ Day 2019

(November 2019)

The Meaning of Parashas Ki Seitzei – When you go to War: 9/11 and Defeating Amalek

(September 2019)

Dangerous Standoff between TMC and Opposition in Sudan

(May 2019)

Beware of Pundits Who Would have Fed Kurds to the Islamists

(April 2019)

Who is Salah Gosh Sudan’s Spymaster?

(March 2019)

Will Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Protect the Kurds?

(January 2019)

What is behind the Gilet Jaune Insurrection in France? An interview with Nidra Poller

(December 2018)

1914: when imperial Germany reinvented the caliphate…by Michel Gurfinkiel

(September 2018)

Meeting with Bat Ye’or: A fight for truth interview with Pierre Itshak Lurcat

(September 2018)

Sudan’s Continuous Jihadist Civil War – Security Briefing and Challenges

(September 2018)

Sudan Genocidal Ethnic Cleansing, Bashir brings 100,000 Kuwaiti Bedouin to Settle in Darfur

(March 2018)

Iran’s Deadly Purim Threat : An Israel News Radio Discussion with Kenneth R.Timmerman

(February 2018)

Secret Minutes of Sudan President Bashir Reveal State Support for Islamic Terrorism

(February 2018)

Syria‘s complex and dangerous battleground – An interview with Shoshana Bryen of the Jewish Policy Center

(February 2018)

Z Street v IRS – Victory for Israel and US in Landmark First Amendment Case

(February 2018)

Bashir deceives US on retention of Islamic Movement in Sudan

(January 2018)

Sudan President Bashir defies ICC Arrest Warrant on visit to Uganda, signatory of the Treaty of Rome

(November 2017)

1917: From Palestine to the Land of Israel: The Extraordinary early struggles of Jewish and Christian heroes to establish the State of Israel – a Review

(November 2017)

Betrayal of Kurds Delivers Victory to US Enemy Iran

(October 2017)

Iran’s war with Kurdish Independence may be underway in disputed Kirkuk

(October 2017)

October 6, 2017- US Revokes Sanctions despite Genocide in Sudan

(October 2017)

Don’t Reward Bashir’s Genocide in Sudan

(October 2017)

WATCH: Video of Bashir’s RSF/Janjaweed Celebrating Masscare at Kalma IDP Camp in Darfur

(September 2017)

President Bashir’s Genocide Continues with Massacre at Kalma IDP Camp in Darfur

(September 2017)

Thousands of Displaced Darfuri Protest Visit by indicted war criminal President Bashir of Sudan

(September 2017)

Geert Wilders: Islam is not a Religion – De Telegraaf interview

(September 2017)

On this 16th Commemoration of 9/11: Are we safer from Islamic Terrorism?

(September 2017)

A Middle East Grand Bargain Must Create Kurdistan

(August 2017)

Listen to 1330AMWEBY International Middle East Round Table Discussion with Seth Frantzman Opinion Editor of The Jerusalem Post

(August 2017)

Listen to 1330amWEBY interview with Jerusalem :Post Op editor Seth Frantzman Wed. 8/16 at 5PM CDT/6P EDT

(August 2017)

Charlottesville Protests Reveal Syrian Islamist Neo Nazi alliance

(August 2017)

Sudan President Bashir’s ‘disarmament’ plan in Darfur is cover for Genocide

(August 2017)

Senate Foreign Relations Committee passes the Taylor Force Act aimed at defunding Palestinian terror.

(August 2017)

Who is sovereign on the Temple Mount this Tisha b’Av?

(July 2017)

Could $7.3B Federal Appellate decision against Sudan for 1998 African Embassies Blasts upset Sanctions Relief?

(July 2017)

Why is the Trump Administration denying Justice in the Z Street v IRS case?

(July 2017)

Sudan’s diplomatic faux pas denying retention of a DC lobby

(July 2017)

Why does half of Turkey “hate” Erdogan?

(July 2017)

Did President Trump Defer the Decision on Sudan Sanctions to October 31, 2017?

(July 2017)

Secret Plan Excerpts of the Bashir Regime Reveal Strategy to Influence US Lifting Sanctions

(July 2017)

Secret Plan of the Bashir Regime Reinforces Rejecting Lifting Sudan Sanctions

(July 2017)

Was there a failed coup attempt in Khartoum?

(June 2017)

Chad Joins African nations cutting ties to Qatar for support of Terrorism

(June 2017)

How Egypt’s Gas Warfare in Yemen led to Israel’s Preemptive Air Assault in the 1967 Six Day War

(June 2017)

Islamikaze Terror Roils London

(June 2017)

Is the Abedi family Islamikaze? Professor Israeli’s Letter to former Labor PM Tony Blair

(May 2017)

Christian Broadcasting Network docudrama In Our Hands-The Battle for Jerusalem – a review

(May 2017)

Who shares responsibility for the Suicide Bombing at the Manchester Arena?

(May 2017)

Time for an Independent Kurdistan as a Buffer against Iran

(May 2017)

Phil Haney, DHS whistleblower honored at AFA Heroes of Courage Awards Dinner in California

(May 2017)

Sebastian Gorka on the President’s tough anti-Jihad comments in Riyadh

(May 2017)

The Temple Mount is in our Hands: The Legacy of the June 1967 Six Day War

(May 2017)

Erdogan’s Dangerous Agenda for his Washington Meeting with Trump

(May 2017)

Michael Rubin of AEI : Erdogan’s Faux Coup may have been Turkey’s Reichstag Fire

(May 2017)

Bat Ye’or comments on Operation Mural Film in Pensacola, Florida May 7, 2017

(May 2017)

The Questionable Case for Lifting Sudan Sanctions: Testimonies of Sudan Resistance Leaders-Part 3

(April 2017)

The Questionable Case for Lifting Sudan Sanctions: Testimonies of Sudan Resistance Leaders-Part 2

(April 2017)

The Questionable Case for Lifting Sudan Sanctions: Testimonies of Sudan Resistance Leaders-Part 1

(April 2017)

April 24, 2017: Yom HaShoah and Armenian Genocide Commemorations: a discussion

(April 2017)

Erdogan “clinches” muted victory in disputed National Referendum vote

(April 2017)

What are Trump’s Options for dealing with the Nuclear ICBM Threat of North Korea?

(April 2017)

Foreign Journalists Kidnapped in Darfur, Imprisoned and Tortured in the Police State of Bashir’s Sudan

(April 2017)

Billion Dollar Saudi and Emeriti Economic Projects for Sudan President Bashir Revealed at Arab League Summit

(April 2017)

The price for lifting US Sudan Sanctions: Genocide

(April 2017)

Another French Jew murdered in Paris by Muslim neighbor “screaming “Allahu Akbar.”

(April 2017)

Why did the Foreign Policy Research Institute invite the PLO ‘ambassador’ to present his opinions?

(April 2017)

White House Aide Dr. Sebastian Gorka smeared with fake news report

(April 2017)

Does the arrest of a Turkish State Bank official in New York further complicate US Turkey Relations?

(March 2017)

Why Is Political Islam in Sudan supported by Gulf Emirates and Saudi Arabia?

(March 2017)

Is there a future alliance for Syria’s Kurds with Israel and the US?

(March 2017)

Democrat Witch-hunt: Target Dr. Sebastian Gorka Deputy Assistant to President Trump

(March 2017)

Middle East experts: Syrian Kurdish safe zones could thwart Iranian threat to Israel

(March 2017)

Geert Wilders’ Post-election Statement:: "The Genie cannot be put back in the bottle"

(March 2017)

Did Geert Wilders win by losing?

(March 2017)

PODCAST: Listen to Israel News Talk Radio- Beyond the Matrix, Latest Show::

(March 2017)

If Geert Wilders’ wins today could there be a political crisis in The Netherlands?

(March 2017)

Why the Seattle Temple Holocaust denial Graffiti Vandalism Matters

(March 2017)

PODCAST: Listen to Israel News Talk Radio- Beyond the Matrix, Latest Show: “Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century”

(March 2017)

Middle East Strategic Issues Facing the Trump Administration: an interview with Dr. Walid Phares

(March 2017)

US Human Rights Commission co-chair Jim McGovern Accuses Sudan Regime of Fostering Genocidal Jihad

(March 2017)

The Trump Administration Views on Radical Islamic Jihadism: an interview with Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Deputy Assistant to the President

(March 2017)

PODCAST: Listen to Jerry Gordon and Mike Bates on 1330amWEBY Discuss the Israeli Comptroller Report on Report on 2014 Operation Protective Edge

(March 2017)

PODCAST Listen to Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Deputy Assistant to President Trump discuss Administration Views on Threat of Radical Islam

(March 2017)

“The Golan is ours”- Israel Sovereignty and American National Security: an interview with Ambassador Yoram Ettinger (ret.)

(February 2017)

Has a New Era in US Israel Relations begun with a White House Joint Press Conference? – A discussion with Shoshana Bryen of the Jewish Policy Center

(February 2017)

Tuesday 2-28-17: 6:30 PM EST Listen to Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Deputy Assistant to President Trump discuss Threat of Radical Islam

(February 2017)

PRESIDENTS DAY 5:30PM EST Listen to Trump Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor Dr. Walid Phares on 1330am WEBY

(February 2017)

Is there a New Era for Israel with the Netanyahu –Trump alliance? Listen Presidents Day to 1330amWEBY

(February 2017)

Can a proposed US Middle East NATO include both Arab countries and Israel as allies?

(February 2017)

Foreign Terrorists Harbored by Bashir Revealed in Khartoum Bomb Blast

(February 2017)

The Secret Sudan Jihad Document found in Darfur

(February 2017)

GAO report Raises Questions about how many of 22,000 “potentially dangerous travelers” entered the US

(February 2017)

Obama Lifts Sudan Sanctions, while President Bashir perpetrates Jihad

(January 2017)

Does the Paris Communique Impose the “Auschwitz Border” on Israel? – Part 2: An interview with Shoshana Bryen of the Jewish Policy Center

(January 2017)

Does the Paris Communique Impose the “Auschwitz Border” on Israel? – Part 1 of An interview with Shoshana Bryen of the Jewish Policy Center

(January 2017)

Does the Paris Communique Impose the “Auschwitz Border” on Israel? – Overview : An interview with Shoshana Bryen of the Jewish Policy Center

(January 2017)

Geert Wilders’ message to Israel –“ Ignore UN, continue building”

(December 2016)

President Obama’s act of folly and betrayal of Israel

(December 2016)

SITREP: ISIS strikes back in Syria: Seizing Palmyra, isolating Homs, threatening SDF Advance on Raqqa

(December 2016)

Why voters are Supporting Geert Wilders, the Dutch Donald Trump

(December 2016)

More Chelm on the Charles River- Another Interfaith Gathering at the Muslim Brotherhood Controlled Islamic Society of Boston

(December 2016)

Sudan: The Rise of an Islamic Caliphate-Podcast and Interview

(December 2016)

Outrage: Obama White House tells survivors and WWII vets to get over “feeling embittered” over Pearl Harbor

(December 2016)

Chairman Abdul Wahid of SLM Tells US Ambassador and Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan Donald Booth : “Negotiations by Khartoum are “Illusory”

(November 2016)

Castro is dead. Give Praise to a hero of the Bay of Pigs Brigade

(November 2016)

WATCH: Geert Wilders’ Final Statement contesting Hate Speech charges before the Hague District Court

(November 2016)

Controversial Neo-Nationalist Meeting in Washington raise protests

(November 2016)

Trump’s Likely Pentagon Pick Marine Gen. Jim Mattis maybe “the real Deal”, but has Israel Problems

(November 2016)

Why the Democratic Rust Belt in Northeastern Pennsylvania voted for Trump in 2016

(November 2016)

Geert Wilders’ Plan : Time for Liberation of The Netherlands

(November 2016)

Who Killed US Army Special Forces Operators Training anti-ISIS forces in Jordan?

(November 2016)

Erdogan’s Crackdown on Kurdish HDP Party Leaders Triggers Terror Bombing

(November 2016)

Joint Statement by Trump Israel Advisory Committee

(November 2016)

Lebanon’s Election of Michel Aoun- its 13th President, ally of Hezbollah

(November 2016)

IRS Sent up a White Flag of surrender on Z Street v Koskinen Case

(October 2016)

Geert Wilders’ trial to proceed on hate charges over "fewer Moroccans" comments in 2014 campaign

(October 2016)

Use Cyprus LNG Facility says BESA Report to avoid Islamist Turkey for Israeli Gas Export

(October 2016)

Could the Suspect arrested in a Shelbyville, Tennessee Shooting Spree be a Jihadi?

(October 2016)

Turkish Azeri Iranian Billionaire Gold Trader Fights Iran Sanctions Violations Charges in US Court Hearing

(October 2016)

Ahmad Khan Rahami in Shootout with Police in NJ, Detained and in Hospital

(September 2016)

A visit to Disneyland Paris this Summer

(September 2016)

Muslim Brotherhood Cleric and ex-FBI Agent to speak at Vanderbilt U AMAC Event

(September 2016)

Bibi visits Hague while PM Rutte and Wilders are Tied in Dutch Polls

(September 2016)

Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn: The Field of Fight

(August 2016)

Isaac: Viorst’s “Zionism” is a “Sloppy Hit on Israel”

(August 2016)

The Hateful Meshugash of Jewish Apostates

(August 2016)

The Sudan Government Covers up Recruitment of Foreign Jihadists

(July 2016)

Could the Allies have Bombed Auschwitz? Controversy and Reality

(May 2016)

Sunday 5-1-16 Listen to Lisa Benson Show Commemorating Yom Ha Shoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, with Special Guests, on Resistance Fighters, Survivors and Liberators 4pm EDT

(May 2016)

America- Europe’s Jews are leaving. They are in the Bull’s-eye of Islamic Anti-Semitism

(April 2016)

Trump Campaign Dismisses America First Controversy

(April 2016)

PODCAST: “Russia Provokes while Israel Defies” – Discussions with Amb. R. James Woolsey and Dr. Seth Frantzman

(April 2016)

Sunday: 4-17-16: Listen to Lisa Benson Show at 4PM EDT with Ambassador R. James Woolsey and Jerusalem Post Op-editor Dr. Seth Frantzman

(April 2016)

Former US Ambassador to Syria Ford’s ‘report card’ on the Syria-Iraq and the Islamic State

(April 2016)

Join Third Annual Orlando Prayer March against Persecution of Christians and Jews, April 16-17, 2016

(April 2016)

Anti-Israel Controversy in Newton, Massachusetts exposes Boston Jewish Community Divide

(April 2016)

PODCAST: Dr. Sebastian Gorka on Defeating Global Jihad Lisa Benson Show 4-10-16

(April 2016)

Sunday: 4-10-16 – Listen to Lisa Benson with Dr. Sebastian Gorka, author of Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War at 4PM EDT

(April 2016)

Why does an Egyptian Democracy Activist turn ISIS Suicide Bomber?

(April 2016)

Left of Boom by ex-CIA operative Accuses Obama of Nixing Assad Overthrow

(April 2016)

Anti-Semitic Egyptian archeology outburst over Jewish Symbols found on ancient Temple

(April 2016)

Listen to Dr. Jill Bellamy on ISIS Dirty Bomb and CBW Threats, Lisa Benson Show, April 3, 2016 4PMEDT

(April 2016)

Pensacola’s 101 Year Old Opera Maven and Holocaust Sleuth

(March 2016)

Dr. Jill Bellamy: “This is a war and there will be thousands of deaths all across Europe.”

(March 2016)

UC Board of Regents Passes Groundbreaking Resolution Condemning Campus Anti-Zionism as Anti-Semitism

(March 2016)

AIPAC‘s gratuitous partisan apology to Obama at 2016 Washington Policy Conference

(March 2016)

US Arrests Iranian Turk in Florida implicating President Erdogan in a $100 Billion gold for gas deal with Tehran

(March 2016)

Trump’s Questionable Endorsement: anti-Israel Texas Hair Products Billionaire, Palestinian Émigré Farouk Shami

(March 2016)

Sunday: 3-20-16: Lisa Benson Show. Global Jihad Agenda with Paul Weston of Liberty GB and Violence in Israel with Michael Weiser, 4PM EDT and 10PM in Israel

(March 2016)

Geert Wilders’ Statement before the Hague District Court March 18, 2016: Acquit me

(March 2016)

Arizona legislature passes groundbreaking anti-BDS legislation

(March 2016)

Five Policy Initiatives Required for Implementation of Kerry’s Genocide Declaration

(March 2016)

Why “Andy’s Law” is needed in Florida

(March 2016)

Florida Governor Rick Scott signed into law groundbreaking anti-BDS legislation

(March 2016)

Danish Free Press Society Founder Lars Hedegaard on Defense of Free Speech against Islamization of Europe

(March 2016)

The Impoverishment of Palestinians under the Futile Two-State ‘Solution”

(March 2016)

New York Times: ”Into the Soul of the Venetian Ghetto” -500th Commemoration

(March 2016)

Who funded Taylor Force’s Palestinian Killer?

(March 2016)

More on the late Taylor Force, USMA ‘09

(March 2016)

Sunday: 3-13-16 Lisa Benson Show-4PM EDT Listen to Danish Free Press Society Founder Heroic Lars Hedegaard

(March 2016)

Sunday 3-6-16 Lisa Benson Show 3PM ET and 10PM Israel- Putin Scoop on Middle East with Gen. Paul Vallely, Shoshana Bryen and US Rep. Louie Gohmert

(March 2016)

Another Reason not to Admit Syrian Refugees: Anti-Semitism

(March 2016)

Where is Saddam Hussein’s Bio WMD “Dr. Germ”, Rihab Taha?

(March 2016)

Sunday: 2-28-16- Listen to the Lisa Benson Show at 1 PM EST, 10PM in Israel with Ex-CIA Director, Amb. R. Woolsey on Missile “Defenseless” US Homeland and Dr. Jill Bellamy on Zika Virus public health and ISIS CBW threats

(February 2016)

Trump and the realities of WMD in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq

(February 2016)

Geert Wilders in Dutch TV interview: “perhaps it is possible that next year we will sit here again talking to the Prime Minister.”

(February 2016)

Sunday 2-21-16 -Listen to Lisa Benson Show with Ken Timmerman Update on Benghazi and Mehmet Yuksel, Turkish Kurdish HDP Rep. in DC on Erdogan’s War on the Kurds

(February 2016)

Former CIA and NSA Director Gen. Hayden Trashes Israel in Zero Days Cyber Security Documentary

(February 2016)

Kurds Cross Erdogan’s “red lines” in Syria with Russian air support

(February 2016)

Congress Unanimously passing Sanctions will not deter North Korea from building Nuclear ICBMs

(February 2016)

Sunday, 2-14-16 – 3PM ET and 10PM in Israel – Listen to the Lisa Benson Radio Valentine’s Day Show with Muslim Women Reformers Reheel Raza and Asra Nomani on Deobandism, FGM and Denial of Women’s rights to intimacy and sexual pleasure

(February 2016)

Violence by Muslim Migrant Men in Europe, Coming to America?

(February 2016)

It’s Official: Israeli Christians are now registered as Arameans not Arabs

(February 2016)

Wilders: For the West to Survive, Stop Islamic Immigration

(February 2016)

Bernie Sanders trounced Hillary Clinton in the Democrat NH Primary despite his Israel hating Advisers

(February 2016)

Maybe the North Korean Satellite Launch is a Game Changer

(February 2016)

Sunday: Listen to Lisa Benson Show 3PM ET with Guests Kent Ekeroth Sweden Democrat MP and Barry Nussbaum Counterterrorism Commentator on Muslim Migrant Men Flooding Sweden and Europe

(February 2016)

Is the North Korean Satellite Launch a Game Changer?

(February 2016)

President addresses Baltimore Mosque with Terrorist Connections caught practicing Gender Apartheid

(February 2016)

Migrant Crisis in Sweden and Europe: the views of Kent Ekeroth Sweden Democrat MP

(February 2016)

Graphic Video Evidence of Muslim Migrant Violence in Germany amid Calls for Merkel’s Resignation

(February 2016)

Sunday; 1-31-16 Listen to Lisa Benson Show at 3PM ET Hon. Kent Ekeroth on Sweden’s Expulsion of 80,000 Asylees and Dr. Sebastian Gorka on the Growing Threat of ISIS to the US

(January 2016)

UK-US “Anarchist” ELINT ops against Israeli Drones and Fighter Jets Revealed by Snowden

(January 2016)

Maryland County Public Schools sued in Federal Court for Espousing Islam Conversion

(January 2016)

The Triple Alliance Eastern Mediterranean Gas Pipeline announced in Cyprus

(January 2016)

Sweden Poised to Eject 80,000 Asylees: says Interior Minister

(January 2016)

Netanyahu on Holocaust Remembrance Day: "We are no longer … powerless without protection"

(January 2016)

Why do we have an Oil Glut?

(January 2016)

Sunday 1-24-16: Listen to the Lisa Benson Show 3PM ET with Guests Nidra Poller on European Refugee Crisis and Ken Timmerman on US Billions to Iran

(January 2016)

Wilders Rallies Protests in Holland against Muslim Migrant Influx:

(January 2016)

Spike in Campus Anti-Semitism in 2015: 302 Incidents at 109 US Colleges in 28 States

(January 2016)

Florida Anti-BDS Bill against Companies that Boycott Israel Unanimously Passes Florida Senate

(January 2016)

Podcast: Lisa Benson Show 1-17-16 with Claudia Rosett on Dangers of Iran Nuclear and Missile Deals

(January 2016)

Sunday: 1-17-16 – Listen to The Lisa Benson Show at 3PM ET in the US 10PM in Israel with Claudia Rosett on The Strategic Geo-Political Corruption of the Iran Nuclear Deal

(January 2016)

Sweden’s Israel Baiting Foreign Minister Wallstrom Embroiled in Union Housing Scandal

(January 2016)

US Iran Prisoner Swap- “another questionable executive action by the Administration”

(January 2016)

Iran’s Release of Four US Dual Citizens confirms the adage: “Money talks and people Walk”

(January 2016)

Israel PM Netanyahu Slams Swedish Foreign Minister Wallstrom over Extrajudicial Killings Accusations

(January 2016)

Harold Rhode on IRGC US Navy Hostage Taking: ‘Iran humiliating US with no consequences’

(January 2016)

Germany’s Merkel Faces a Firestorm of Criticism over Muslim Migrant Misogyny

(January 2016)

Former Acting CIA Director Michael Morrell versus President Obama on ISIS Threat

(January 2016)

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Seizes Two US Patrol Boats, Arrests 10 Sailors (9 Men and I Woman)

(January 2016)

PODCAST: 1-10-16 Lisa Benson Show with Col. Richard Kemp and Dr. Sebastian Gorka on The War against the Infidels: Israel, Afghanistan, Taliban, ISIS and domestic Jihadist Terrorism

(January 2016)

Sunday; 1-10-16 Listen to Lisa Benson Show at 3PM ET with British Col. (ret.) Richard Kemp and Dr. Sebastian Gorka on Jihad Threats in Afghanistan, Israel and the US

(January 2016)

Former Pennsylvania Congressman and Retired US Navy Admiral Joe Sestak says:” Iran fulfilled its part of the Nuclear Deal”.

(January 2016)

The Looming confrontation with Turkey and Advancing Syrian Democratic Forces

(January 2016)

Geert Wilders on New Year’s Eve Sexual Assaults in Cologne Germany by Arab and North African men

(January 2016)

Dr. Jill Bellamy: “The West is so naive when it comes to ISIS “

(January 2016)

Shoshana Bryen on NSA Spying on Israel, Congress and American Jewish Leaders

(January 2016)

PODCAST: 1-3-16 Lisa Benson Show with Dr. M. Zhudi Jasser, Shoshana Bryen and Ryan Mauro: Muslim Reform, Syria, Israel and Pakistani Islamist Camps in the US

(January 2016)

Listen to the Lisa Benson Show 1-3-16 at 3PM ET: Our Guests will be M. Zhudi Jasser, Shoshana Bryen and Ryan Mauro on Muslim Reform Movement, NSA Spying on Israel and Jihadist Training Camps in US

(January 2016)

Cargill Meat Solutions confronts Sharia Demands of CAIR and Somali Muslim workers in Colorado

(January 2016)

Watchdog on Washington Corruption: an interview with Christopher Farrell of Judicial Watch-NER

(December 2015)

The ISIS Chemical Biological Threat to the West: a discussion with Dr. Jill Bellamy-NER

(December 2015)

Is Israel Prepared to meet ISIS Threats on its Northern and Southern Frontiers?

(December 2015)

Why Comparisons of Muslim Refugees to Shoah Survivors Must Stop

(December 2015)

Israeli Documentary on Syrian Kurdish resistance reveals ISIS Barbarism and Turkish Complicity

(December 2015)

Israeli Christian IDF Soldiers Celebrate Christmas

(December 2015)

36 Years Later 53 US Embassy Hostages in Tehran Get Compensated

(December 2015)

Avi Davis z"l (1958 -2015) Founder of American Freedom Alliance

(December 2015)

H.Res 569 Furthers Cause of Organization of Islamic Cooperation to Criminalize Criticism of Islam in US

(December 2015)

Iranian Kurdish Resistance – an ally of the US in the War against ISIS

(December 2015)

PODCAST: Lisa Benson Show: 12-20-15 EU, America Unprepared for ISIS CBW Threat and Congress Quadruples Foreign Worker Visas with Dr. Jill Bellamy and Leo Hohmann

(December 2015)

Geert Wilders is Dutch Politician of Year Despite March 2016 Hague Trial

(December 2015)

Sunday: 12-20-15 Listen to Lisa Benson Show at 3PM EST – ISIS Libyan CBW Threat to EU and Foreign Worker H-2B Visa Program in US with Dr. Jill Bellamy and Leo Hohmann

(December 2015)

Will the ABC 20/20 Documentary on Rescue of Iraqi Christians Encourage America to Prevent Their Genocide?

(December 2015)

Sunday 12-13-15: Listen to Lisa Benson Show at 3PM EST- Syrian Refugees in Canada , Pakistani Connections to Santa Barbara and Benghazi ‘smoking gun’ email – Raheel Raza, David B. Harris and Ken Timmerman

(December 2015)

Terror Attack Alert Raised: Two Syrians arrested in Geneva with Explosives and Toxic Gas

(December 2015)

DHS Whistleblower: we had information that might have prevented San Bernardino Massacre

(December 2015)

Does the Benghazi Pentagon “smoking gun” email implicate Hillary Clinton?

(December 2015)

Dr. Michael Welner: Debunking Islamophobia and Combating Radical Islam

(December 2015)

Could Syed Farook’s Mother Raffia Become a Suspect in the San Bernardino Jihad Terrorism Plot?

(December 2015)

Canadian Al-Huda Islamic Institute Closes Amid Controversial Disclosures

(December 2015)

Breaking News in Canada: Four Al-Huda Islamic Institute Students went to join ISIS in Syria

(December 2015)

Al Huda: the Pakistani Women’s Islamic Academy that may have Radicalized Tafsheen Malik

(December 2015)

Watch Asra Nomani dueling Dalia Mogahed in an NBC Meet the Press Islam and ISIS Segment

(December 2015)

Sunday 12-6-15: Lisa Benson Show with Vicar of Baghdad Canon Andrew Wright, Faith J. McDonnell, Joe Kassab and SC. State Rep. Alan Clemmons on Christian Persecution in Iraq and anti-BDS Legislation 3PM EST

(December 2015)

Truth about Islamic Terrorism in San Bernardino

(December 2015)

Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, lead suspects in the San Bernadino Massacre with 14 dead, 17 wounded

(December 2015)

Is ISIS Oil Profiteering an Erdogan “Family Business”?

(December 2015)

Kurdistan Commemorates Jewish Kurds Expulsion by Iraq in 1951

(December 2015)

New York Post/ Sunday London Times: Dozens of Paris Airport Workers on Terrorism Watch List

(November 2015)

Reports that Quds Force Commander Gen. Suleimani Injured in Syria

(November 2015)

Why did Premier Valls Raise the CBW Threat after the Paris Attacks?

(November 2015)

PODCAST: Humanitarian Jihad and Refugees as ISIS Weaponized CBW Vectors, Morten Storm, Dr. Jill Bellamy and Nidra Poller

(November 2015)

Dr. Jill Bellamy’s Prescient Assessment of ISIS’ CBRN Threat to Europe

(November 2015)

ISIS Use of Powerful Amphetamine Captagon

(November 2015)

Sunday 11-22-15: Lisa Benson Show on Bracing for ISIS Brussels & CBW attack with Dr. Jill Bellamy, Nidra Poller and Morten Storm

(November 2015)

Mark Durie: Love is Not Enough when it comes to ISIS

(November 2015)

Geert Wilders: The Dutch deserve a democratic referendum on their immigration policy

(November 2015)

Former Virginia Congressman Frank Wolf Presses Administration on ISIS Genocide

(November 2015)

Arab Terror Attacks Kills Five Jews in Israel, including an American

(November 2015)

Churchill’s, The River War, its Relevance for the War against ISIS

(November 2015)

St. Denis Siege Over: 2 killed, 7 arrested in plot to attack La Defense Paris Business District

(November 2015)

Sen. Cotton: US “Unintentionally” discriminates against Christians in Syrian Refugee Admissions

(November 2015)

UK Daily Mail Senior Reporter Nick Fagge shows forged Syrian Documents he bought in Turkey

(November 2015)

Florida Governor Rick Scott Requests Congress Halt Funding Syrian Refugee Resettlement in the Sunshine State

(November 2015)

Illinois Gov. Rauner latest to suggest a stop to Syrian Refugee Resettlement

(November 2015)

PODCAST: Lisa Benson Show 11-15-15 Paris Aftermath -World War: Nidra Poller, Morten Storm, Amb. Woolsey and Gen. Audino

(November 2015)

State Department May Exclude Middle East Christians from ISIS Genocide Victim Ruling

(November 2015)

Sunday, 11-15-15: War Summit on ISIS Global Jihad: Listen to Morten Storm, Nidra Poller, Ambassador Woolsey and Brig. Gen. (ret.) Ernie Audino 3PM EST

(November 2015)

There are no ‘safe spaces’ in Paris or the West from ISIS Jihad

(November 2015)

Obama does not Recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan

(November 2015)

Fallen Pensacola Airmen honored on Veterans Day

(November 2015)

77th Commemoration of Kristallnacht-‘The Night of Broken Glass” when “Jews were stranded”

(November 2015)

PODCAST; Lisa Benson Show 11-8-15 “Is it Safe to Fly” with Amb. Woolsey and Dr. Raymond Stock

(November 2015)

Sunday, 11-8-1: Listen to Ambassador Woolsey and Dr. Raymond Stock on ISIS Terror Bombing of Metrojet Flight 9268 Global and US Airport Risks 3PM EST

(November 2015)

Iran EMP Threat to US Gulf: Why These States Should Challenge Obama?

(November 2015)

Wilders: Use Mandatory Public Referendums to Combat Ruling Elite on Issues like Mass Muslim Asylum

(November 2015)

Ex-CIA head Amb. Woolsey “warns Russia plane tragedy in Sinai could happen in US”

(November 2015)

ISIS Bombing of Metrojet Flight 9268 poses a Global Airline Security Threat

(November 2015)

Erdogan’s Ballot Stuffing “Victory”

(November 2015)

Ahmad Chalabi –the friend who aided in Preserving the Babylonian Jewish Heritage

(November 2015)

The State Department Denies Middle East Christian Refugees Status because of UN Rules

(November 2015)

Sunday 11-1-15 Listen to Lisa Benson Show: Guests Mordechai Nisan, Pastor Steven Khoury and Amb. Woolsey at 3PM EST

(November 2015)

Israel Arab Knesset Member Trips up: Blesses Jews on Tanakh Day for Ownership of Temple Mount

(October 2015)

Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin’s Legacy: 20 Years After His Assassination

(October 2015)

De Telegraaf Interview: Wilders Awaits Unfair Trial

(October 2015)

“The Temple Mount is in Our Hands” trumps “ Al Aksa is in Danger”

(October 2015)

Sunday, 10-25-15, Lisa Benson Show with Walid Phares on Why Benghazi Still Matters and Michael Cutler on Broken Immigration System 4PM EDT

(October 2015)

Turkish Opposition Reveals ISIS, Not Assad, Perpetrated 2013 Sarin Attack in Syria with Turkish Supplies

(October 2015)

Obama signs the JCOPA executive order: Time for the Republican AGs to consider a Federal Suit

(October 2015)

PODCAST : Syria Russia Refugees Plan, Israel under Jihad attack, #States Can Sue Obama

(October 2015)

Sunday Oct. 18, 2015 4PMEDT: Lisa Benson Show with Gen. Paul Vallely on Syrian Refugees Solutions and Palestinian Terror In Israel

(October 2015)

Why are Jews Against Israel?

(October 2015)

The European National Sovereignty Quartet: Mateo Salvini , Marine LePen, Heinz- Christian Strache, and Geert Wilders

(October 2015)

Obama to waive Sanctions? Tweet Your State Governor to Sue the President in Federal Court

(October 2015)

What is behind the Days of Rage by Arabs in Israel?

(October 2015)

Obama Poised to Sign Iran Deal: Time for the States to Bring Suit in Federal Court?

(October 2015)

Sunday, October 11th : Listen to the Lisa Benson Show on Palestinian Uprising in Israel and ISIS Christian Genocide at 4PM EDT

(October 2015)

Who planned the Ankara Peace Rally Bombings?

(October 2015)

ISIS Genocide of Assyrian Chaldean Christians

(October 2015)

Could The JCPOA be in Violation of a 2012 Iran Sanctions Law Signed by President Obama?

(October 2015)

Los Abandandos- a new film on the Murder Mystery of Argentine Prosecutor Alberto Nisman

(October 2015)

Are we witnessing the end of the Assad Ba’athist Regime?

(October 2015)

Lisa Benson Show – Michael Rubin and Sylvia Hoehns-Wright on M.E. & U.S. Islamic Supremacy

(October 2015)

Another Temple Mount Intifada?

(October 2015)

Michael Rubin on Dealing with Putin: “Bomb Assad; Arm Ukraine”

(October 2015)

Has Israel Bungled its Offshore Gas Development?

(October 2015)

Former Obama Arms Control Aide Gary Samore confirms 2009 Iranian Enrichment Negotiations

(October 2015)

Obama Threatens Veto of National Defense Bill denying Restitution for Victims of Iran Terrorism

(September 2015)

Wilders’ PVV Vaults to Top Party in Latest Dutch Public TV Poll

(September 2015)

Opening of UN General Assembly Reveals Russia’s Great Game in the Middle East

(September 2015)

Sunday: Listen to Lisa Benson Show on ISIS Nuclear Threat and Russia-Iran Dividing Syria 4PM EDT

(September 2015)

Can the States Stop Implementation of Iran Nuclear Deal?

(September 2015)

White House Acclaims IAEA Iranian Self Inspection at Parchin Military Site

(September 2015)

Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party (PVV) tops Dutch Political Polls after Parliamentary Debate on Flood of Muslim Migrants into EU.

(September 2015)

Can the Senate Sue the President over his handling of the Iran Deal?

(September 2015)

Arab Americans look to Liberal Jews in US to push for entry of Syrian refugees

(September 2015)

CIA Director Brennan Worried about Iran and North Korea Nuclear Cooperative Development?

(September 2015)

Samir Geagea Lebanese Christian Politician Attacks Israel After Qatar and Hamas Outreach

(September 2015)

Sunday! Listen to Lisa Benson Show on Syria, Refugees, Russia, Iran ISIS, CHAOS! 4PMEDT

(September 2015)

Democrats have votes to Filibuster: Will Republicans Protest and Litigate to Stop Iran Nuclear Pact?

(September 2015)

An IAEA Side Deal could void the Iran Deal

(September 2015)

Sunday, September 6th: Can we Stop the Iran Nuke Deal & Syrian Refugee Crisis Listen to the Lisa Benson Show 4PM EDT

(September 2015)

Is it all over except Recriminations about the Iran Nuclear Deal?

(September 2015)

Democrat Senators provide final votes supporting President Obama on the Iran Nuclear Pact

(September 2015)

Is Iran the Cuban Missile Crisis All Over Again?: Listen to The Lisa Benson Show Today

(August 2015)

Sunday August 30, 2015 Find out Why Americans are United Against Iran Deal on Lisa Benson Show 4pm EDT

(August 2015)

Sklaroff and Bender: The Senate Must Sue Obama to Block the Iran TREATY

(August 2015)

Nearly 200 Former Generals and Admirals Sign Letter Opposing Iran Nuke Deal

(August 2015)

Does Israel have a “No Choice” Military Option for Iran’s Nuclear Program?

(August 2015)

Could a Trash Crisis In Lebanon Bring Hezbollah to Power?

(August 2015)

French President Hollande’s Message to Turkey: Strike ISIS not Kurds

(August 2015)

Three Americans and a Brit Receive France’s Highest Honor for Taking Down Jihadi on Train

(August 2015)

The Real Story on how Three American Heroes foiled the Jihad Terrorist on the Thalys Train

(August 2015)

US Marines Subdue Moroccan Jihad Terrorist on Thalys Train in France

(August 2015)

Was the Rocket Attack from Syria on Northern Israel ordered by Iran?

(August 2015)

Will The IAEA Road Map Side Deal Controversy Upend the Iran Nuke Deal Congress Vote?

(August 2015)

President Obama’s Latest Perfidy on Iran Nuclear Deal

(August 2015)

Watch Sen. Menendez’s Speech against The President’s Iran Nuclear pact at Seton Hall U

(August 2015)

ZoA Reveals the J Street anti-Israel Cabal behind the “Leading” Rabbis Letter on Iran Nuclear Deal

(August 2015)

Sen. Menendez Announces Opposition to Iran Deal with Speech at Seton Hall University

(August 2015)

Progressive Labor Socialist Rabbis Back Obama on Iran Nuclear Pact

(August 2015)

March To Save America To Oppose Iran Nuclear Deal Set For September 9, 2015

(August 2015)

Obama Uses Mullahs’ Tactics to Criticize Opponents of Iran Nuclear Deal

(August 2015)

Obama Operative meets his bête noir on the Iran Nuke Deal: US Army Gen. (ret.) Barry McCaffrey

(August 2015)

The Time Has Come for a March in DC to Stop the Iran Nuclear Pact

(August 2015)

ISIS Chemical Warfare Attack on Kurds in Iraq Raises Questions

(August 2015)

Israel Approves Leviathan OffShore Gas Deal

(August 2015)

Pastor Hagee and Rabbi Sheindel Defy Antisemitic Attacks in San Antonio

(August 2015)

Geert Wilders Spoke at Heavily Guarded Conservative Forum in Silicon Valley

(August 2015)

Compromised – Secretary Kerry’s ties to Tehran revealed

(August 2015)

State Department Goes to Court to Block US Victim Claims against Palestinian Terror Group

(August 2015)

Sgt. Bartlett Tells you why there is in No Deal with Iran

(August 2015)

Kerry: No Snap Back on Conventional Arms and Missile Technology Sanctions in Iran Nuclear Deal

(August 2015)

The Secret Memo that influenced Sen. Schumer’s Rejection of the Iran Nuclear Deal

(August 2015)

Obama’s Dangerous Spin on the Iran Nuclear Deal

(August 2015)

Sen. Schumer: My Position on the Iran Deal

(August 2015)

“Obama Blames Israel”: SUNDAY -Listen to Lisa Benson Show 4PM EST 3PM CST 2PM MST and 1PM PST & AZ

(August 2015)

President Obama’s War on Pro-Israel AIPAC Undermining his Iran Pact Legacy

(August 2015)

Iran Confirms Quds Force Commander Visit to Moscow in Defiance of UN Travel Bans

(August 2015)

New York US Senate Delegation splits on Iran Nuclear Plan: Schumer Rejects; Gillbrand Approves

(August 2015)

Iran Violates Sanctions: Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani visited Putin in Moscow

(August 2015)

President Obama, There is a better way

(August 2015)

Past and Present Agreements with “Theocratic, Totalitarian, Genocidal” Regimes

(August 2015)

Stark Contrast between Netanyahu and Obama on Iran Nuclear Deal

(August 2015)

Why Iran fined the US $50 Billion just prior to the announcement of the Iran nuclear pact

(August 2015)

EX- CIA Director Woolsey: Iran nuclear pact “worthless” with “theocratic, totalitarian, genocidal imperialists”

(August 2015)

Ayatollah Khamenei’s book on a "Final Solution" for Israel

(August 2015)

Sunday Aug. 2nd Listen to Amb. R. James Woolsey on Lisa Benson Show

(August 2015)

L.A Times investigation reveals Garland, Texas jihadi illegally purchased weapon from Fast and Furious Front

(August 2015)

Stormy US Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing on Iran Nuclear Pact.

(July 2015)

Israel’s Knesset is holding up Trilateral Energy Security with Cyprus and Greece

(July 2015)

What Israeli Intelligence Knew About Iran Nuclear Negotiations

(July 2015)

Austria Launches Hate Speech Investigation of Wilders while his Freedom Party leads Dutch Polls

(July 2015)

CNN/ORC poll: Majority urge Congress to Reject Iran nuclear Pact

(July 2015)

Belman: An Agreement is only as strong as the will to enforce it.

(July 2015)

Kerry says Israel and American Jews to blame if Iran Nuclear pact is not approved by Congress

(July 2015)

Victory for Campus Zionism at UC Irvine: Ouster of Orange County JFed President Elcott

(July 2015)

What’s behind The American Jewish Divide on the Iran Nuclear Deal?

(July 2015)

Secretary Kerry Touts J Street Propaganda from Israeli Security Consultants at Senate Iran Hearing

(July 2015)

Kerry hints JCPOA might obligate US to prevent Israeli Sabotage of Iran’s Nuclear Program

(July 2015)

“Where is Chuck? Kill this Deal? “ at the Times Square Rally to Stop Iran Now!

(July 2015)

Watch the Times Square Stop Iran Now Rally Live On-line

(July 2015)

“American Jewish friends: Are we talking about you or someone you know?”

(July 2015)

Stop Iran Now Rally in Times Square today Noon EST

(July 2015)

The Sanhedrin in Israel Summons President Obama for Trial

(July 2015)

Governor Walker’s Iran Influence, an ex-Marine and US Hostage in 1979 Tehran Embassy Seizure

(July 2015)

UN Security Council Unanimously Endorses Obama Iran Nuclear Pact

(July 2015)

Sound Cloud of Lisa Benson Show -Consequences of Iran Deal and ISIS Chaos to American Cities

(July 2015)

Listen to Lisa Benson Show w/ Jerry Gordon and Martin Sherman at 4PM EDT

(July 2015)

Toll Rises in Chattanooga Islamic Terror attack that took the lives of 4 Marines and a Sailor

(July 2015)

Does Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal open the Pandora’s Box of Nuclear Proliferation?

(July 2015)

J Street launches Multi-Million Dollar Video Campaign Promoting Obama’s Nuclear Pact with Iran

(July 2015)

Kuwait-Born Jihadi Perpetrated Attack that took the Lives of 4 Marines in Chattanooga

(July 2015)

UPDATE: Listen to 1330amWEBY Panel on Why the P5+1 Deal is Dangerous for the US and Israel

(July 2015)

Brett Stephens: Best Arguments for an Iran Deal. Not really.

(July 2015)

Capitulation: P5+1 Iran Nuclear Deal Reached in Vienna

(July 2015)

Michael Oren on Obama and the pending Iran Nuclear Deal

(July 2015)

Ralph Nader Expropriates Anti-Semitism to Include Arabs

(July 2015)

UNESCO Condones Muslim Claims to Temple Mount and Western Wall in Jerusalem

(July 2015)

Congress Steps up for the Kurds

(July 2015)

Kurds Lauded by Pentagon as “Reliable and Effective” Partners in War against ISIS

(July 2015)

Misguided Israeli Populists Protest Deal for Offshore Gas Development

(July 2015)

Iran Violated Nuclear Deal Before it is Even Inked according to Latest IAEA Reports

(July 2015)

Michael Oren, Obama, J Street and the American Jewish Divide

(July 2015)

J Street Challenge documentary and Informed Panel Discussion in Pensacola

(June 2015)

Erdogan’s Plan to Establish a Buffer Zone in Syria to Punish Kurds, Thus Aiding ISIS

(June 2015)

Gerstenfeld on Israel’s Contribution towards Defeating the Islamic State

(June 2015)

Congress Passes “Landmark” Anti-BDS Amendment Opposed by J Street and Peace Now

(June 2015)

Hillel Rabbi Praises Drexel U Honorary Degree for Anti-Israel, Anti-America Noam Chomsky

(June 2015)

Wikileaks Reveal Saudis Tried to Bring Legal Action Against Geert Wilders

(June 2015)

Bi-Partisan Policy Group Blasts Obama Iran Nuclear Deal and Middle East Strategy

(June 2015)

Remembering the Nazi inspired 1941 Baghdad Farhud Arab Pogrom at the UN

(June 2015)

"Perversion of Truth” – UN Report on the 2014 Gaza War

(June 2015)

Northwest Florida Presentation and Panel Discussion of APT’s J Street Challenge , June 27, 2015

(June 2015)

First Israel Allies Foundation Jerusalem Call Event in North West Florida on Combating Anti-Israel BDS

(June 2015)

Is Kurdistan Rising?

(June 2015)

China Bans Fasting by Muslims During Ramadan

(June 2015)

DC Circuit Court of Appeals Affirms pro-Israel Group Z Street Case against IRS

(June 2015)

JCPA Symposum on "The War with a Million Cuts" June 22, 2015

(June 2015)

Kerry’s Doubletalk on Iran’s Previous Military Developments

(June 2015)

Did Obama’s Presidential Directive Mandate Outreach to Islamists?

(June 2015)

President Obama’s Failed ISIS Strategy in Iraq

(June 2015)

JCS Chief General Dempsey’s last hurrah in Israel amidst alleged Israeli Cyber Spying on Iran Talks

(June 2015)

Did New Israel Fund Donations to Israeli BDS NGOs trigger Orange Boycott?

(June 2015)

Uproar over Iran Nuclear Program at the Jerusalem Post 2015 Annual Conference

(June 2015)

Las Vegas Summit on Campus Anti-BDS Initiative

(June 2015)

“These are the Boys of Pointe du Hoc… Champions who helped to free a Continent. The Heroes who helped end a war” Pres. Reagan, 40th Anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 1984

(June 2015)

Anti-IDF Israeli Leftist NGO Met White House and State Department Senior Officials in Washington

(June 2015)

Why is Boston the Hub of Violent Islamic Extremism?

(June 2015)

ISIS-Inspired Terrorism in Boston

(June 2015)

“Manufactured Crisis:” Administration’s Response to Iran’s Increase in Low Enriched Uranium

(June 2015)

“Madness”: nearly $1 billion spent by The Netherlands in 2014 for Asylum Seekers

(June 2015)

Israeli Gen Yossi Kuperwasser on Obama’s Unrealistic View of Israelis

(June 2015)

Obama Administration Rules of Engagement Stymie Air War against ISIS

(June 2015)

US Asylum Seekers from Cuba, Africa and South Asia Take Perilous Jungle Crossing in Panama

(May 2015)

Should we be concerned about the latest Anthrax Release?

(May 2015)

Reut Cohen: The Farhud and my Family’s Sephardic/Mizrahi Israeli Heritage

(May 2015)

Reut Cohen: Evidence of Islamic Antisemitism at the University of California at Irvine

(May 2015)

Is the State Department Taking Seriously Reports of North Korea-Iranian Nuclear Cooperation?

(May 2015)

Israel’s Gas Pains Relieved: Dr. Gilo Resigns.

(May 2015)

Is it Game Over for the P5+1 Deal with Iran’s Nukes?

(May 2015)

The Boeing CHAMP Missile-A Non Nuclear EMP – Does Israel have its Version under Development?

(May 2015)

President Obama’s Anti-Israelism Dissected

(May 2015)

Dhimmi Democrat Senators want to Admit 65,000 Syrian Refugees Requested by UNHCR

(May 2015)

Col. Kemp’s Bar-Ilan U. Speech: The International Media’s Amoral Campaign against Israel

(May 2015)

On the Passing of Professor Robert Wistrich: Magisterial Scholar of Global Antisemtism

(May 2015)

Prosecutors demand 4 Year Sentence for Returning Dutch ISIS Vet Who Threatened Geert Wilders

(May 2015)

“The Temple Mount is in our Hands” -48th Commemoration of Unified Jerusalem, Yom Yerushlayim

(May 2015)

How the Jewish Federation of Orange County and Hillel undermine Student Zionism at UCIrvine

(May 2015)

New APT Expose – Al Qaeda’s Base at MIT

(May 2015)

Trojan House Billion $ US State Dept. Program Brings Refugee Jihadis to America

(May 2015)

Anti-Israel Intruders arrested for invading IDF Presentation at Temple Israel in Westport, Connecticut

(May 2015)

Proposed EU Quota for Distribution of Illegal Migrants Runs into Criticism

(May 2015)

Rising Concerns over Muslim Refugee Resettlement in US: 1330amWEBY Interview with Ann Corcoran

(May 2015)

“I ain’t got no Respect” Israel-hating MP George Galloway Defeated in UK Election

(May 2015)

Was the Near Unanimous Vote on INARA by the US Senate a “rebuke” of President Obama?

(May 2015)

Paki Muslims Honor Texas Shooters as Martyrs for Opposing Free Speech

(May 2015)

IRS Raked over the Coals in DC Appellate Court Hearings on Viewpoint Discrimination in Z STREET Case

(May 2015)

"Not Intimidated" – Wilders in RTL Interview on Garland, Texas Failed Jihad Attack

(May 2015)

Geert Wilders of Dutch Freedom Party Plans Mohammed Art Expo following Failed Texas Jihad assault

(May 2015)

Irony: Funeral of Garland, Texas AFDI Assailant will be held at KC Mosque that Sought to Ban Free Speech

(May 2015)

Dossier on Suspects in Garland, Texas Jihad Attack: Elton Simpson and Nadir Hamid Soofi

(May 2015)

Countering Violent Extremism in Garland, Texas

(May 2015)

Geert Wilders’ Speech at Garland, Texas Muhammad Art Event

(May 2015)

Two Dead at Garland, Texas AFDI Muhammad Art Contest

(May 2015)

The Senator Cotton- Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif Twitter Faceoff over the Iran Nuke Agreement

(May 2015)

Wilders’ Capitol Hill Press Conference Warns America Revealing CAIR’s Ignorance of First Amendment Law

(May 2015)

Wilders Debates Hague Parliament Opposition over Australian Solution to Bar 1 Million illegal Migrants from EU

(May 2015)

What’s Behind Iran’s Piracy in the Persian Gulf over an Unresolved Cargo Claim?

(April 2015)

Geert Wilders’ Speech in Washington, DC : “We are all in the Same Boat”.

(April 2015)

Listen to Erick Stakelbeck discuss ISIS and America on 1330amWEBY today at 5:30 PM (EDT)

(April 2015)

Dr. Raphael Lemkin-The Polish Jew who Criminalized Genocide

(April 2015)

Could the Hezbollah Drone Air Strip in Lebanon Launch Conventional and BW Attacks Against Israel?

(April 2015)

A Game of Chicken in the Gulf of Aden

(April 2015)

Obama Apologizes for Covert US Drone AQ Strike in Pakistan that Killed US and Italian Hostages

(April 2015)

Happy 67th Birthday Israel – Yom Ha’atzmaut – Independence Day 2015

(April 2015)

US DOE Created Secret Tennessee Facility to Estimate Iranian Nuclear Breakout

(April 2015)

Israel Remembers Her Fallen on Yom HaZikaron

(April 2015)

Who Profits from the Deadly Illegal Migrant Trafficking Trade Across the Mediterranean?

(April 2015)

Six Somali Émigrés arrested and indicted for Material Support of ISIS in Minneapolis and San Diego

(April 2015)

EU Grapples with Mounting Illegal Migrant Crisis in the Mediterranean

(April 2015)

APT J-Street Challenge: Pro-Peace, Pro-Israel, Pro-Iran?

(April 2015)

Ex-Saddam Intelligence officer revealed as creator of ISIS Structure for Conquest of Syria and Iraq

(April 2015)

Ohio Somali Émigré indicted on Terrorist Charges following Al Qaeda Training in Syria

(April 2015)

Has Saddam Hussein’s Deputy, “King of Hearts” Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri been finally run to Ground?

(April 2015)

ISIS’ Plan to Destroy Israel

(April 2015)

Geert Wilders PEGIDA Speech Video with English Subtitles

(April 2015)

Army Privates Shot at Little Rock Army Recruiting Center in June 2009 Receive Purple Hearts

(April 2015)

Obama Administration Knew of Illegal North Korea Missile Technology Transfers to Iran During Talks

(April 2015)

On the Eve of Yom Ha Shoah a Courageous Survivor Speaks of the Islamist Threat Facing Israel and Jews

(April 2015)

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Unanimously Approves Iran Nuke Review Legislation

(April 2015)

Geert Wilders’ Speech at the PEGIDA Rally in Dresden

(April 2015)

Denouement on P5+1 Iran Nuclear Deal?

(April 2015)

Can the US Defend Itself against North Korean and Iranian Nuclear ICBMs?

(April 2015)

Pope Francis Commemorates 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide- “the first of the 20th Century”

(April 2015)

ISIS Jihadi Wannabe arrested in Kansas in attempted Suicide Bombing of Fort Riley

(April 2015)

Iran’s Cheating Heart

(April 2015)

Jewish Ex-Navy Seal Veteran and Rhodes Scholar runs for GOP Governor Nomination in Missouri

(April 2015)

Major Gaps between P5+1 and Iran on Framework Agreement

(April 2015)

Dr. Fred Leder on Israel and Iran Nukes

(April 2015)

President Obama’s Questionable Framework Agreement for an Iranian Nuclear Deal

(April 2015)

Al Shabaab Terror Strikes College on Maundy Thursday in Kenya

(April 2015)

Israel Nuclear Reactor Raid Track Record: Osirak 1981, Al Kibar 2007 – Could it be Iran’s Turn in 2015?

(April 2015)

Will the May 7th UK Election Result in a Rollback of Islamization?

(April 2015)

Will the P5+1 Iran Nuclear deal Crater because of Secret North Korean Cooperation?

(April 2015)

Bizarre Shooting Incident at NSA Fort Meade Maryland

(March 2015)

The Collapse of Obama’s Geo-Political Equilibrium in the Middle East

(March 2015)

Obama Administration Declassifies Secret Report on Israeli Nuclear Program

(March 2015)

Durie: Challenging Islam’s Warrant to Kill

(March 2015)

Ithaca Newspaper response to Project Veritas Cornell ISIS Video: "wildly misleading and dumb"

(March 2015)

Sgt. Bergdhal Charged with Desertion

(March 2015)

Obama’s Revenge Unleashed on Israel

(March 2015)

WSJ: Israel Allegedly Spied on US Negotiations with Iran

(March 2015)

Why Minneapolis is the US Hub for ISIS Recruitment?

(March 2015)

Is Humanitarian Transfer the Solution for Israel’s Dilemma?

(March 2015)

Deputy Secretary of State Blinken’s Perpetual Iran Anti-Nuke Machine

(March 2015)

Netanyahu’s Prospective Victory: Analysis of 33rd Knesset Elections with Diker, Bates and Gordon

(March 2015)

Why Israel Has No Gas Future -Regulatory Zeal Undermines Deals

(March 2015)

Listen to a Special 1330amWEBY Report on Israeli Knesset Elections on March 17th with Voice of Israel

(March 2015)

How Fateful are Israel’s Knesset Elections on March 17th?

(March 2015)

US Senate Subcommittee Investigating Administration Funding of anti-Netanyahu Vote Campaign

(March 2015)

Sen. Cotton Defends His Letter to the Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran

(March 2015)

Ken Timmerman: “If you want to know what’s in the Nuclear Deal with Iran-Ask Tehran”.

(March 2015)

Israel Braces for Surprise Attack on Eilat from Islamic State in the Sinai

(March 2015)

Arkansas US Senator Cotton’s Letter to Iran’s Leaders Clarified

(March 2015)

Zionist Union Head Herzog Wants Joint Arab Party MK Tibi to Join Sensitive Israel Defense Committee

(March 2015)

Ken Timmerman Reveals Sidney Blumenthal and Hillary Clinton Emails on Libya

(March 2015)

Yellow Journalism Roils Final Week Before Israel’s Knesset Election

(March 2015)

Robert Malley, Israel’s Bête Noire, Appointed Middle East Assistant to Obama

(March 2015)

Sen. Tom Cotton’s Open Challenge to Ayatollah Khamenei and President Obama on Nuclear Deal with Iran.

(March 2015)

Where is Ex-FBI Agent Robert Levinson, President Rouhani?

(March 2015)

Brookings Study of ISIS Twitter Accounts Reveals US among Top Locations

(March 2015)

Gas Pains During Israel’s Election

(March 2015)

French Foreign Minister Fabius Once Again Questions P5+1 Deal with Iran

(March 2015)

Schadenfreude — Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei Rushed to Hospital in Critical Condition

(March 2015)

Netanyahu in Washington: An Eleventh-hour Plea for Sanity

(March 2015)

Netanyahu Addresses Iran Nuclear Threat at AIPAC amidst Administration Criticism

(March 2015)

How the American Heartland Perceives the Iranian Threat and Israel

(March 2015)

Justice for the Wultz Family and Other American Victims of Terrorism

(March 2015)

Did President Obama Invoke the Brzezinski Doctrine to Shoot Down IAF Planes Attacking Iran?

(March 2015)

More Emerges on Obama’s Phased Nuclear Deal with Iran

(February 2015)

Obama’s Phased Deal with Iran’s Nuclear Program

(February 2015)

NER Senior Editor Jerry Gordon – “Israel Facing a Perfect Storm” in Northwest Florida Feb. 24, 2014

(February 2015)

Landmark Victory In New York Federal Court for US Victims of Palestinian Terror

(February 2015)

Media Hoax behind Oslo Ring of Peace with “Hate Jews “ Muslim Organizer

(February 2015)

Al Shabaab Threatens Mall Attacks in the US, Canada and UK

(February 2015)

Jewish Myopia at Muslim Organized Solidarity Event in Oslo

(February 2015)

President Obama: “We are not at war with Islam” – but is Radical Islam at War with Us?

(February 2015)

The King of Espionage Malware Revealed: The Equation Group

(February 2015)

The President’s Conference and its message, “Think Again, Turn Away”.

(February 2015)

More Bibigate: Conflicting reports over Iran Negotiations

(February 2015)

In ‘Progressive’ Madison, Wisconsin, an Outbreak of Antisemitic Hate

(February 2015)

‘Tipsy’ Danish Jihadist Fooled Police on way to Kill Copenhagen Synagogue Security Guard

(February 2015)

Egypt’s Al-Sisi Takes Revenge for Slaughter of Coptic Christians by Isis in Libya

(February 2015)

Danish Mother Describes Bat Mitzah as Terror Struck Copenhagen Synagogue

(February 2015)

How The Hezbollah Assassins of Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri were Identified

(February 2015)

Dr. Rubenstein’s Reprise: “Obama is the most radical President ever”.

(February 2015)

UPDATE: Free Speech Turns Deadly at Lars Vilks Event in Copenhagen: 3 Dead including possible Gunman and five wounded

(February 2015)

Satellite Imagery Analysis of Iran’s Parchin Military site Question Nuclear Deal

(February 2015)

Argentina President Kirchner Charged in Cover up of AMIA Jewish Center Blast

(February 2015)

Israel’s Republican Governor?

(February 2015)

Sweden’s Jews Threatened by Muslim Antisemitism

(February 2015)

President Obama and Ms Psaki; Those “folks” killed in a Paris Kosher deli weren’t “Buddhists.”

(February 2015)

President Al-Sisi of Egypt: “The Muslim Brotherhood is the Origin of it All”

(February 2015)

President Obama Says Israeli PM Netanyahu Speech to Congress could

(February 2015)

Iranian Diplomat expelled from Uruguay for Attempted Israeli Embassy Bombing

(February 2015)

Victory for Iran -Hegemony Over the Arabian Peninsula-UPDATE

(February 2015)

WaPo Editorial Explains why Bibi Should Speak on March 3rd to Congress and the American People

(February 2015)

“A Forest of Crosses” discovered in Saudi Arabia

(February 2015)

Israel’s Offshore Gas Discoveries are in Jeopardy say Energy Conference Participants

(February 2015)

Israeli Exhibit Confirms Ancient Judean Presence in Babylonia

(February 2015)

David B. Harris – Canadian Counterterrorism Expert Comments on RCMP Arrest and Charges involving Canadian ISIS Recruits

(February 2015)

Bombshell! Draft Arrest Warrants for Argentine President and Foreign Minister found in Trash of Dead Prosecutor Nisman

(February 2015)

Bibigate – The Contretemps over Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress on Iran’s Nuclear Program

(February 2015)

President Obama call the Bibisitter

(February 2015)

WaPo Reports CIA & Mossad took out Hezbo Terrorist Mastermind Mughniyah in 2008

(January 2015)

Egyptian Islamic State Affiliate kills 40 In Sinai Attacks

(January 2015)

“There is No Justice in Argentina”.

(January 2015)

Has the Administration Failed to Recognize the Threat of Global Jihad?

(January 2015)

Ilana Freedman: The Alternate Universe of Barack Obama

(January 2015)

State Department Hosts Pro-Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian Contingent Furthering Administration Support of Radical Islam

(January 2015)

Why Damian Pachter Fled Buenos Aires: “Argentina has become a dark place led by a corrupt political system.”

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Charles Jacobs: Jewish Hero Found Dead in Buenos Aires

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Argentine President and Foreign Minister in Alleged Cover Up of Iran’s 1994 AMIA Jewish Center Bombing

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