The essays below can be found in Dr. Dalrymple’s books Farewell Fear (2012) and Anything Goes (2011) from New English Review Press.
A Doctor Writes (August 2012)
Haydn Seek (July 2012)
Strictly for the Birds (June 2012)
Fairly Just (May 2012)
It’s A Riot (April 2012)
To Judge By Appearances (March 2012)
All’s Fair in Politics and Celebrity (March 2012)
The End of Charity (February 2012)
Forgiveness Is a Kind of Wild Justice (January 2012)
Knowledge Without Knowledge (November 2011)
Of Love, etc. (October 2011)
The Meaning of Pyongyang (September 2011)
Who Is to Blame? (August 2011)
The Rape of Innocence (July 2011)
The Baseness of Acid (June 2011)
Sewer Thing (May 2011)
Of Evil and Empathy (May 2011)
The Pleasures of Perfidy (April 2011)
Of Termites & Mad Dictators (March 2011)
Anyone for Bunga-Bunga? (February 2011)
Evil Be Thou My Evil (January 2011)
When Irish Eyes Are Crying (December 2010)
A Version of Conversion (November 2010)
Metsu-Metsu (October 2010)
It’s All Your Fault (September 2010)
Destructive Preservation (August 2010)
Of Snobbery and Soccer (July 2010)
The Machine (June 2010)
The New Faith, Hope and Charity (May 2010)
Steel Yourself (April 2010)
Thank You For Not Expressing Yourself (March 2010)
Please Feel My Pain (February 2010)
We Are All Guilty (January 2010)
Let Them Inherit Debt (November 2009)
The Cult of Insincerity (October 2009)
Crime and Punishment (September 2009)
Fujimori (August 2009)
Steady As She Goes (July 2009)
Poisoned By Celebrity (May 2009)
Attitude or Gratitude? (April 2009)
Beauty and the Beast (March 2009)
The Rules of Perspective (Feb. 2009)
Beauty and the Best (Jan. 2009)
Mumbai’s The Word (Dec. 2008)
Of Bibliophilia and Biblioclasm (Nov. 2008)
Neither A Lender Nor A Borrower Be (Oct. 2008)
The Triumph Of Evil(Sept. 2008)
Of Death and Transfiguration (Aug. 2008)
My Problem Of Evil (July 2008)
The Pains of Memory (June 2008)
The Evil Next Door (May 2008)
Roman Remains (April 2008)
An Ill for Every Pill (March 2008)
A Cost Benefit Analysis Of Cost Benefit Analysis (Feb. 2008)
Of Mailer and Murder (Nov. 2006)
The Realities of Evil (Sept. 2006)
WHO Cares (Aug. 2006)
PC Among the Docs (July 2006)
From Melting Pot to Stir-Fry (June 2006)
Diary of a Journey Through Europe (Feb – May 2006)